[originaltext]W:I am so excited.We have two weeks off.What are you going to do?

游客2023-09-07  12

W:I am so excited.We have two weeks off.What are you going to do?
M:My parents have rented an apartment in Florida.I am going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming.
Q:What will the man do in the holiday?
M:You can’t do that.That’s not reasonable to select so many courses at tile salTle time.You’d better look before leap.
W:I know.But I can’t make up my mind.I want to take Chinese History,but I also like French and Japanese.
Q:What is the woman doing?

选项 A、She is taking courses for the new term.
B、She is trying to understand each course.
C、She is complaining to the man about the courses.
D、She is asking for advice about taking courses.

答案 A

解析 推理判断题。男士劝告女士不能一次选那么多课.因为这不合情理,劝她三思而后行。女士说她明白。但是她也拿不定主意因为她想选的课程有很多。可见她正在选课。  