[originaltext]W:I am so excited.We have two weeks off.What are you going to do?

游客2023-09-07  8

W:I am so excited.We have two weeks off.What are you going to do?
M:My parents have rented an apartment in Florida.I am going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming.
Q:What will the man do in the holiday?
M:Marry,how do you feel about this latest tax increase?
W:Well,as far as I aril concerned,it is of course regrettable.But it is necessary for the economic policy,I am afraid.
Q:What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man is against the latest tax increase.
B、The woman is for the latest tax increase heavily.
C、The woman is indifferent to the tax increase.
D、Personally,the woman doesn’t like the tax increase.

答案 D

解析 综合理解题。男七问女士如何看待最近的这次税率上调。女士说自己当然不希望税率上调,但是恐怕这又是必要的经济政策。由此推断女士个人也不喜欢上调税率,但并没说女士反对税率政策。  