苏绣(Suzhou embroidery)是苏州地区刺绣产品的总称,其具体发源地在苏州吴县一带。早在两千多年前的春秋时期,吴国已将刺绣用于服饰。到了明代,

游客2023-08-13  39

问题    苏绣(Suzhou embroidery)是苏州地区刺绣产品的总称,其具体发源地在苏州吴县一带。早在两千多年前的春秋时期,吴国已将刺绣用于服饰。到了明代,绘画艺术的发展推动了刺绣的发展。刺绣艺人结合绘画作品进行再制作,所绣佳作栩栩如生,有“以针作画”之称。清代是苏绣的全盛时期,真可谓流派繁衍,名手竞秀。如今,中国苏绣工艺已达到很高的水平,绣品多次在国际国内获奖。2006年5月20日,苏绣经国务院(the State Council)批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。


答案     Suzhou embroidery is a collective term for embroideries produced in Suzhou, the specific birthplace of which is in Wu County, Suzhou City. As early as over 2 ,000 years ago in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Wu State employed embroidery in apparel. In the Ming Dynasty, the development of the art of painting promoted the development of embroidery. Embroidery artists at that time combined embroidery with paintings, and produced embroidered masterpieces which were as natural as though they were alive, thus gaining the reputation of "painting with needles". Suzhou embroidery reached its heyday in the Qing Dynasty, when there were various genres and numerous famous artists in embroidery. Nowadays, the craft of Suzhou embroidery has reached a very high level, with many embroidery products winning awards at home and abroad. On May 20, 2006, Suzhou embroidery was included in the first state-level intangible cultural heritage list with the approval by the State Council.
