Imagine a city transport system 20 years into the future and jam, air qualit

游客2023-07-25  13

问题     Imagine a city transport system 20 years into the future and jam, air quality and energy efficiency may come to mind, but a driverless bus probably won’t. Yet bus design experts, Capoco Design Ltd., are proposing an automated bus transport system that is economical, frequent and green. Responsible for about 65% of UK city buses over the past 15 years, Capoco are familiar with the demands of running urban transport systems. In 2002, Capoco commissioned a research project with the Royal College of Art, resulting in the mobilicity project, a research venture exploring urban travel in the future.
    According to Capoco, the surprising thing about a city bus is that about 60% of the framing cost is spent on the driver, There’s a drive to automate buses and therefore to halve (把……减半) the operating costs. The pods (容器)that make up Capoco’s driverless bus are designed to run on electricity but can be adapted to use biofuel, or hydrogen(氢)in a fuel cell, and can be updated to run on the cleanest fuel available.
    The vehicle navigation technology combines satellite positioning and a calibration (校准)system using magnets positioned in the road every few metres. The bus navigates using the onboard route map and calibrates every ten meters to ensure that the onboard system knows exactly where the bus is on the route.
    The system would start with exclusive lanes using the sensors to remain in the lane but in the longer term the aim is to run the vehicles with traffic around them. There are already a lot of automatic guided vehicles running inside factories alongside people and forklift trucks on the same basis.
    The next step is to build a trial system with two vehicles to prove the basic functionality of the vehicles. Next year, a pilot system of up to 12 vehicles could be introduced in a closed environment like a campus or an airport to test the installation further.
    With no driver costs, you can run vehicles as small as five meters long and carrying 24 people, and you can run them more frequently and on more routes. Transport in the future could be as easy as hopping on a horizontal lift. For the nervous, the lift is probably a more reassuring vision than a driverless bus but, if the mobilicity system is tested successfully, driverless buses could become an everyday sight in the cities of the future! [br] We may infer from the last paragraph that______.

选项 A、driverless bus is less valuable than common bus
B、driverless buss’ popularity in the future is not sure
C、lift will be the final choice for transport in the future
D、taking driverless bus will be the safest way for all the people

答案 B

解析 推理处设题。由原文“但是如果无人公交系统测试成功的话,我们外出将再也离不开它”推知其在未来的流行取决于现在试验的成功,B含义与之吻合,故为答案。