For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter to Congratulate Your

游客2023-07-25  15

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter to Congratulate Your Friend Who Has Recently Won a Scholarship. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 得知好友刚获得一等奖学金,对他表示祝贺


答案          A Letter to Congratulate Your Friend Who Has Recently Won a Scholarship
Dear George,
    I have learnt with delight that you won the First-rate Scholarship in your school. It is terrific. I would like to extend my utmost congratulations to you.
    I think your family will take pride in your achievement at college. As your high school classmate, I also feel proud of you. George, you are really great. And I know that this achievement surely results from your diligence.  You have already reaped what you sowed.
    Your achievement has demonstrated your excellence at college and I am sure you will be a success in the future so long as you keep pushing hard. Please reply soon and tell me how you are doing in this semester. I would also like to invite you to visit our college if you are free.
    Congratulations again!
                                                                 Sincerely yours,

解析     本文是一篇祝贺信,主要目的是向获得一等奖学金的朋友表示祝贺。在布局上,根据题目中给出的提纲来展开即可。第一段说明你得知好友获得一等奖学金的好消息,对他所取得的成绩表示衷心的祝贺;第二段对他所取得的成绩加以评价,指出他所取得的成绩是努力的结果;第三段表达美好祝愿,并再次表示由衷的祝贺。注意落款,不要在作文中出现自己的真实信息。