
游客2023-07-03  36

问题     在云南省西北部的玉龙雪山脚下坐落着人间仙境般的丽江古城。古城里聚居的居民以纳西族同胞为主,是我国唯一的纳西族自治区。丽江从来就以它巍峨壮丽的大雪山、雄奇险峻的大峡谷、灵秀峻美的老君山、碧波荡漾的泸沽湖和多姿多彩的少数民族风情而闻名于世。人们惊讶于这里“天人合一”的古朴意识及其博大精深的文化内涵,赞叹西南边陲的少数民族先人们在丽江这片奇丽的土地上筑起了一座没有城墙的古城。古城里的建筑多沿水而筑,随着水势而构成一条与河流并行的瓦屋长廊,临街为铺,临河为楼,前铺后楼。


答案     At the foot of Yulong (Jade Dragon) Snow Mountain in northwestern Yunnan Province is the wander land, the ancient town of Lijiang. The inhabitants of Lijiang are mainly of Naxi minority, and the city is the only autonomous city of the nationality. It has long been known world wide for its grandiose snow-clad mountain, the steep gorge, the elegant Mt. Laojun, the clean Lugu Lake, and the colorful and various customs of the minorities. The outside world is surprised by its ancient and simple sense of "identity of Heaven and Man" and its profound and excellent culture, and amazed by the ancestors of the minorities who built a city without a wall on the beautiful land of Lijiang at this southwest frontier. The houses are mostly set by a river, usually parallel to the watercourse and long with roofs of tiles, the front facing the street as shops and the rear hanging over the water like towers.
