杭州是浙江省的省会,是中国四大园林城市之一,有着“人间天堂”的美誉。它位于长江以南,钱塘江下游(lower reaches),气候温和,四季分明。杭州因

游客2023-07-03  43

问题     杭州是浙江省的省会,是中国四大园林城市之一,有着“人间天堂”的美誉。它位于长江以南,钱塘江下游(lower reaches),气候温和,四季分明。杭州因美丽的风景而出名,其声望主要来自西湖。早在1982年,西湖就被确定为国家风景名胜区。西湖位于杭州市市中心,旧称钱塘湖,宋代始称西湖。它以秀丽的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹闻名中外,是中国著名的旅游胜地。


答案     Known as "Heaven on Earth", Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province and also one of the Top Four Garden Cities in China. It is situated in the south of Yangtze River and on the lower reaches of the Qiantangjiang River. It has a mild climate with distinct seasons. Hangzhou is renowned for its scenic beauty, and earned its fame because of West Lake. As early as 1982, West Lake has been selected as national scenic spot. Lying in the center of Hangzhou City, it was called Qiantang Lake in the past. From Song Dynasty, it has been known as West Lake. As a celebrated tourist attraction, it is famous at home and aboard for the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, as well as numerous scenic spots.

解析 1.文中依次出现了“出名”、“声望”、“著名的”,在翻译时,应避免千篇一律地翻译为famous,英文中表达这个意思的词有很多,如celebrated,renowned,well—known,noted,famed,distinguished,翻译的时候我们可以根据需要选用,增加词汇的多样性。
2.第一句话中的“人间天堂”翻译为Heaven on Earth,“园林城市”可译为garden city。
3.第二句话中的“四季分明”翻译为distinct seasons。
4.第三句中使用了be renowned for和earn one’s fame来分别表达“因……而出名”和“声望”。词汇的变化使用使译文生动而不单调。
5.最后一句话中的“秀丽的湖光山色”翻译为the natural beauty of lakes and mountains。