
游客2023-06-18  15

问题     20世纪早期最耀眼的京剧明星是四位男旦——梅兰芳、程砚秋、尚小云和苟慧生。他们用唱腔、眼神、动作将中国女性之美演绎到极致,达到了京剧表演艺术的高峰。


答案     During the early 20th century, the four most celebrated male performers of female roles (called dan) in Peking Opera were Mei Lanfang, Cheng Yanqiu, Shang Xiaoyun and Xun Huisheng. Their performances reached the peak of Peking Opera performance art as they used their ways of singing, expressive eyes, and gestures to perform the beauty of Chinese women perfectly.
    It’s said that male performers of female roles have advantages in several ways. First, compared to female performers, male voice is stronger, thicker and wider. There are some ways of singing fitted for them that female performers simply cannot handle. More importantly, males are very adept at observing feminine habits and characteristics, so the roles they play are even more feminine. Until now, no one has been able to surpass the artistic achievements of the four most celebrated dan performers.
