Text4 Death comes to all,but some are mo

免费题库2022-08-02  18

问题 Text4 Death comes to all,but some are more sure of its timing,and can make plans.Kate Granger,a 32-year-old doctor suffering from an incurable form of sarcoma,has"very strong ambitions"for her last hours.She plans to avoid hospital emergency departments and die at her parents'house-music playing,candles glowing,family by her side.Surveys show that over two-thirds of Britons would like to die at home.Like Dr.Granger,they want to be with family and free ofpain.Yet hospital remains the most common place ofdeath.For some this is unavoidable-not every disease has as clear a tuming point as cancer-but for others a lack of planning is to blame.The govemment,motivated by both compassion and thrift,wants to help.To steer patients away from hospitals,general practitioners have been encouraged to find their l%-those patients likely to die in the next year-and start talking about end-of-life care.This can be difficult for doctors."As a profession we view death as failure,"says Dr.Granger.Yet when there is no cure to be had,planning for death can be therapeutic for patients.Those who do plan ahead are much more likely to have their wishes met.A growing number of patients have electronic"palliative-care co-ordination systems",which allow doctors to register personal preferences so that other care providers can follow them.A paramedic called to a patient's home would know of a do-not-resuscitate order,for example.One study showed that such systems increase the number of people dying in their homes.But savings for the government may mean costs for charities and ordinary folk.At the end of life it is not always clear who should pay for what.Although Britons can get ordinary health care without paying out of pocket,social care is means-tested.People must often shell out for carers or care homes-or look after the terminally ill themselves.Disputes crop up over trivial things,like responsibility for the cost ofa patient's bath.A bill now would cap the cost of an individual's social care by Parliament.Still,some want it to be free for those on end-of-life registries.That would cut into the govemment's savings-but allow more people to die as they want.38.The"palliative-care co-ordination systems"may suggestA.doctors require patients to receive treatment at home.B.patients can get different advice from several doctors.C.incurable patients could choose to stay at home.D.part ofthe patients are unwilling to waste money in hospital.

选项 A.doctors require patients to receive treatment at home.
B.patients can get different advice from several doctors.
C.incurable patients could choose to stay at home.
D.part ofthe patients are unwilling to waste money in hospital.

答案 C

解析 事实细节题。根据定位词定位在第二段和第四段。第二段第一句提到“三分之二的英国人都意欲在家面对死亡”。第四段第一句表明“提前计划的人更有机会实现愿望”。随后提到通过这个系统其他疗养提供者可以按医嘱执行。最后一句说到“调查显示,‘缓和护理协调系统’的使用增加了选择在家死亡的人数”,故选C项。【干扰排除】A项,第四段第二句给出的信息是,这个系统使得医生可以把患者的个人偏好输入系统,因而其他疗养提供者可以按这些偏好为患者提供服务。第三句说到那些“护理人员给病人家里打电话,会了解到他们自己不愿再接受治疗的愿望”,所以A项不正确。B项,根据第四段给出的信息,医生在电子“缓和护理协调系统”出现之后更多的是遵照患者自己的意愿而患者不再喜欢接受医生的意见,所以也不正确。D项,根据原文的信息,有了这个电子系统,病人可以提前安排自己死亡前要做的事情并决定以什么样的方式死去,强调的是个人喜好,而非省钱。
