【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: students will recognize the structure and g
【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: students will recognize the structure and g
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim: students will recognize the structure and grammar meaning of appositive clauses.
Ability aim: students will be able to apply appositive clauses in their daily use.
Emotional aim: students will cultivate the awareness of protecting the environment.
Key and difficult point:
Students will master the structure and grammar meaning of the appositive clause.
Students can tell the difference between appositive clauses and attributive clauses.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
Greet the students.
Have a short review about attributive clause from last class. Then ask students to compare the two sentences below and lead to the new lesson for the appositive clause.
The news that my father told me yesterday made me cry.
The news that my father won the game made me cry yesterday.
Step 2: Presentation
Ask students to read the above material first, then invite them to share their understanding about the two “that”clauses. Then try to find the structure with them together: the two that clauses(appositive clauses) here explain the noun “doubt” and show the meaning of it. Another example of this is that “The news that my father won the game made me cry yesterday.”Here, “that my father won the game” is actually the content of the news. The function of it is not to modify the noun but to show the content of it which is different from the attributive clause.
Step 3: Practice
1.Find the attributive clause in the material and rewrite it to an appositive clause:
“ it is human activity that has caused this global warming ”---”it is human activity that we drive too many cars that has caused this global warming”
2.List some sentences on the screen and ask students to tell which are attributive clauses and which are appositive clauses.
Step4: Production
Divide them in groups of 4 to have a discussion about what can we do to help the global warming and give them 5 minutes to discuss. Show them an example as:
I hold the idea that promoting the public transportation system will encourage more people travel less by private cars.
The news that the government is putting money on clean energy is also helpful.
Step5: Summary and homework
Invite a student to make a summary then leave them the homework-search online for 5 common nouns which often appear in the appositive clause.
Blackboard design:
Teachingaims: Knowledgeaims: Studentscanmasterthestructureofnotice.
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