Countable and uncountable nouns Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: Students wi
Countable and uncountable nouns Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: Students wi
Countable and uncountable nouns Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: Students will have a deeper understanding about nouns by dividing them into countable nouns and uncountable nouns.. Students will master the basic rules and some special cases of plural nouns, such as potatoes. Ability aim: Students will use nouns properly in their conversation. Emotional aim: Students will develop their leaning ability by inductive methods. Key and difficult points: Key point: How to master the rules of plural nouns. Difficult point: How to use different nouns correctly in their daily life ; Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings and free talk about the food they ate in the morning. 2. Play a game called Find them different homes. First, explain the rules: They need to classify the food in 2 or 3 groups in different ways and explain their reasons. For example, they can divide them into healthy food and junk food; vegetables and meat; Chinese food and western food; etc... Second, divide them into groups 4. Third, tell them to finish the job in 5 minutes. Last, make a conclusion and introduce another way(plural and singular) to classify food and lead in to the topic. Step 2: Presentation 1. Read the short passage for them and analyze the main idea together. 2. Ask them to underline words about food. And write down them on the blackboard in two groups. One includes food, rice, salt and juice. The other includes carrots, fruits and oranges. 3. Divide them into groups of 4 and ask them to find out the rules of the the words. 4. Explain that nouns can be divided into countable ones and uncountable ones. And countable one can be divided into plural and singular nouns. 5. Introduce some special cases, such as potatoes and tomatoes, and remind them we should add “es” at the end is the nouns are supposed to be plural. Step 3: Practice 1. Activity one: Filling in the blanks: ask them to change the singular nouns into plural nouns. And invite a student to share his answers and give encouragements and corrections accordingly. 2. Activity two: Describing the pictures--they are different items with different numbers. Step 4: Production Activity: playing a game called Guessing who he is. 1. Explain the rules: they need to work in pairs. One describes any student in the class about their hair, clothes and glasses and and so on. The other one is supposed to guess the name. Then they exchange the roles. 2. Invite some groups to share their performance in front of the whole class. Step 5: Summary and Homework Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson. And make a conclusion: there are lots of words to learn, but if we master some rules, it will make learning more efficient. Homework: ask them to find out 5 more nouns which have special plural forms. Blackboard design:
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