
资格题库2022-08-02  97

问题 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的写作教学方案,帮助学生顺利完成该写作任务。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocationactivities and justification教学时间:20分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中年级第一学期学生,班级人数40人,多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》五级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:WRITING?1.Think of someone famous that you admire a lot, for example, an artist, a musician or writer.?2.Write two or three paragraphs about his or herlife. Below are some suggestions to help you.?3.Write about:Wherehe/shewasbornandwherehe/shelivedasachild.His/her family.How he/she become famous.His/her songs/ music/painting/novels/poems…To show he/she has been in.Your opinion of his/her work. Explain why you like him/her.What you think will happen to him/her.Whether he/she will continue to be successful.



解析 Teaching type: Writing class
Teaching contents: This is a writing class from senior high school, which is about how to describe a person. Students are required to share the detailed information about the people they admire, such as the living place, the life story, and to express the reasons why they like these celebrities so much.
Teaching Objectives:
(1) Knowledge objectives
① Students are able to know the detailed information about the people they admire and can describe it correctly and properly in English.
(2) Ability objectives:
① Students are able to arrange the writing materials they have and organize them logically.
② Through sharing the stories of their favorite people, students’ speaking ability will be significantly improved.
(3) Emotional objectives:
① Students can learn the correct and positive values from the people they like.
② Students are able to enhance the abilities of critical thinking and rational thinking through assessing someone reasonably.
Teaching key and difficult points:
Teaching Key point:
How to collect the writing materials and organize them properly.
Teaching Difficult point:
Build the life goals and positive attitude.
Teaching Procedures:
Step1: Pre-writing
?1. Brainstorm:
(1) Ask students to list the names of the people they admire most.
(2) Ask students to list the detailed information about these people, such as the birth palace, the reason why they succeed, their opinions on theses successful people and these people’s future.
?2. Share some useful sentence structure to help students to describe the above information in detail.
?3. Group work: share the people who students admire most in a group.
?4. Show students a sample to guide students to organize the information into every paragraph.
(Justification: Brainstorm helps to choose the people and detailed information they will write about, and sharing the sentence structure lays a good foundation for the next step. Besides, group work is a good way to improve students’ speaking ability and awareness of cooperation.)
Step2: While-writing
Students need to write an article about the people they admire most according to the requirements .
(Justification: Students will cultivate their ability of writing an article within certain minutes and their good habits of writing will be formed as well.)
Step3: Post-writing
?1. Exchange with desk-mates to do peer-editing.
?2. Show the contents.
?3. Evaluate the writing.
(Justification: Editing can provide a perfect writing for students, meanwhile the comments will help students learn more from others and improve their writing ability promptly.)
Step4: Summary and homework
Summary: Ask students what they learn form this lesson and summarize the writing strategies with students.
Homework: Ask students to think about a question: Should we admire the online celebrities and movie stars, why?
(Justification: Summary can make students know the main information about the class. And the homework can improve students’ critical thinking ability.)
