中华民族历经磨难、自强不息,从未放弃对美好梦想的向往和追求。实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦是近代以来中华民族的夙愿。 在新的历史时期,中国梦的本质
中华民族历经磨难、自强不息,从未放弃对美好梦想的向往和追求。实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦是近代以来中华民族的夙愿。 在新的历史时期,中国梦的本质
The Chinese nation has emerged strong and resilient from suffering and hardships, and it has never given up its pursuit of great dreams. The great renewal of the Chinese nation has been its long-cherished dream since the modern times.
In this new historical era, the Chinese dream we are pursuing is about economic prosperity, national renewal, and people’s happiness....
To realize the Chinese dream, we must stay on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have been on this path for over 30 years. History has proven that it is the right path that suits China’s national conditions and that it will lead China to national prosperity and strength. We will continue to advance along this path.
To realize the Chinese dream, we must boost the Chinese spirit. We will enhance the morale of the whole nation with patriotism, which is the core of the national spirit, and the call of the time featuring reform and innovation.
To realize the Chinese dream, we must pool the strength of the whole country. Empty talk is harmful to the nation, and it is action that will make it thrive. With the wisdom and strength of the 1.3 billion Chinese people and through the unremitting efforts of generations of the Chinese people, we will advance the development of both China and the Chinese nation.
To realize the Chinese dream, we must pursue peaceful development. We will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and the win-win strategy of opening up. We will not only endeavor to promote our own development, but also live up to our responsibility and make our due contribution to the world. We will work to deliver benefit to both the Chinese people and the people all over the world. By working to realize the Chinese dream, we will bring the world peace and opportunities, but not turbulence or threat.
1.中华民族历经磨难、自强不息,从未放弃对美好梦想的向往和追求。The Chinese nation has emerged strong and resilient from suffering and hardships,and it has never given up its pursuit of great dreams.
分析 语言措辞类
本句中,“历经磨难、自强不息”的翻译是难点。如果按照顺句操作,翻译成The Chinese nation has suffered a lot of hardships,but it continuously makes unremitting efforts and has never given up…能基本达到“信、达”的目的,但是“雅”却略显不足。因此,配合汉语四字格结构,此处可采取对等译法,将两个短语译为整齐对仗的strong and resilient和suffering and hardships,既能体现中华民族经历了重重困难,又能体现她的“强”和“不息”,还能使句意表达富有艺术性和节奏感。
2.在新的历史时期,中国梦的本质是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。In this new historical era,the Chinese dream we are pursuing is about economic prosperity,national renewal,and people’s happiness.
分析 语言措辞类
本文措辞结构对仗,用词整齐,具有典型的政治文献特点。对于此类文本,尤其是其中的四字短语译文需牢记强记多记,此处不再一一赘述。比如,“国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福”均为主谓结构,英译时也应考虑到这一点,可采取对等译法,将其译为结构整齐的并列短语economic prosperity,national renewal,and people’s happiness。另外,句子主干中“……的本质是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福”“本质”一词可译为essence,aim,core等,而译为the Chinese dream we are pursuing,则更能凸显中国人民的主观能动性。
3.我们已经在这条道路上走了30多年,历史证明,这是一条符合中国国情、富民强国的正确道路,我们将坚定不移地沿着这条道路走下去。We have been on this path for over 30 years.History has proven that it is the right path that suits China’s national conditions and that it will lead China to national prosperity and strength.We will continue to advance along this path.
分析 句子结构类
4.用以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神振奋起全民族的“精气神”。We will enhance the morale of the whole nation with patriotism,which is the core of the national spirit,and the call of the time featuring reform and innovation.
分析 语言措辞类
本句结构清晰,句子主干为“用……为核心的民族精神和以……为核心的时代精神振奋……‘精气神’”。句中出现了两个“核心”、两种“精神”以及两个“以”结构,翻译时可采取增译法,增加句子主语we,并使用相同句式或词汇,来凸显句子主要信息。比如,可译为:We will enhance the morale of the whole nation with patriotism which is the core of the national spirit,and reform and innovation which is the core of the spirit of the times.当然也可以为了避免用词单一,而在措辞上略加变化,比如…with patriotism,which is the core of the national spirit,and the call of the time featuring reform and innovation。
5.实现中国梦,必须凝聚中国力量。To realize the Chinese dream,we must pool the strength of the whole country.
分析 语言措辞类
本句中,“凝聚”一词的翻译尤为重要。英语中表示“凝聚、聚集、集中”的词有pool,condense,unite,centralize,put together等,而pool有“集中或汇集资金、知识、设备等”的含义,用在此处恰到好处。
6.我们要用13亿中国人的智慧和力量,一代又一代中国人不懈努力,把我们的国家建设好,把我们的民族发展好。With the wisdom and strength of the 1.3 billion Chinese people and through the unremitting efforts of generations of the Chinese people,we will advance the development of both China and the Chinese nation.
分析 篇章理解类
本句中,根据上下文语境,“把……建设好”“把……发展好”意思重叠,可理解为“发展”,而“国家”和“民族”则是其宾语部分,因此,此处可采取合并译法,将汉语“把字句”译为英语主动语态we will develop China and the Chinese nation better。当然,也可以使用名词development的常用搭配词组,比如promote/advance/enhance the development of…。另外,“一代又一代中国人不懈努力”实际上省略了“用”,翻译时可采取增译法,将未说明的部分翻译出来,使之与“用13亿中国人的智慧和力量”保持一致,以便于理解句意和句式结构。
7.我们将始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,不仅致力于中国自身发展,也强调对世界的责任和贡献;不仅造福中国人民,而且造福世界人民。We will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and the win-win strategy of opening up.We will not only endeavor to promote our own development,but also live up to our responsibility and make our due contribution to the world.We will work to deliver benefit to both the Chinese people and the people all over the world.
分析 句子结构类
本句虽然信息较多,但结构清晰,翻译时可采取断句译法,将整句拆分为三个独立的句子:“……始终不渝走,始终不渝奉行”“……不仅致力于……,也强调……”“不仅造福……,而且造福……”。需要注意的是,第一句中“走”和“奉行”虽然汉语表述不同,但意思相近,可译为相同结构follow the path of…。
8.实现中国梦给世界带来的是和平,不是动荡;是机遇,不是威胁。By working to realize the Chinese dream,we will bring the world peace and opportunities,but not turbulence or threat.
分析 语言措辞类
本句既可以采取增译法,增译句子逻辑主语we,也可以采取物称表达法,比如:The realization of the Chinese dream will bring the world peace and opportunities,rather than turbulence or threat.需要注意的是,在翻译“是和平,不是动荡;是机遇,不是威胁”时可采取单词对等译法和合并译法,译为peace and opportunities,turbulence or threat,从而使译文和原文不仅结构相似,还能传神达意。另外,peace and opportunities意在表明和平与机遇兼得,凸显实现中国梦的重要性;turbulence or threat中or的使用,则表达了不希望其中任何一种可能性出现的主观愿望。
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