
游客2025-02-03  4

问题     能源安全同世界经济的稳定发展和各国人民的福祉息息相关。当前,全球能源版图出现重大变化,页岩气等非常规油气异军突起,美国和西半球成为能源重要供应地。由于受国际经济金融环境影响,国际油价起伏不定,其未来存在较多不确定性。发展中国家缺乏能源定价权,确保能源长期稳定供应面临越来越多的挑战。


答案    Energy security is important to the stability and growth of the world economy and the wellbeing of people of all countries. Major changes are taking place in the global energy landscape. With the emergence and rapid growth of non-conventional sources of oil and gas such as shale gas, the United States and the western hemisphere have become major energy suppliers. Owing to the impact of global economic and financial changes, international oil prices have kept fluctuating with greater uncertainties. Developing countries, which have little say in setting energy prices, are faced with more and more challenges in ensuring long-term and stable energy supply.
   The international community should foster a new thinking on energy security that features mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified development and coordinated supply. Joint efforts should be made to stabilize the prices of energy and other bulk commodities and prevent excessive speculation, so as to meet the energy demand of all countries, particularly the developing countries, and maintain a stable energy market. Meanwhile, various countries should improve their own energy mix, promote the research, development and spread of advanced energy technologies, vigorously develop clean and renewable energies, and actively conduct international cooperation in relevant fields.
   The Chinese government attaches great importance to issues relating to energy and energy security, and adheres to the principle of giving priority to conservation, mainly relying on domestic supply, seeking diversified development and protecting the environment. China will vigorously push forward revolution in energy production and consumption, keep total energy consumption under control, promote energy conservation and support the development of energy-saving and low-carbon industries, as well as new and renewable energies. China is ready to work with other countries to establish a long-term energy cooperation mechanism and make its due contribution in ensuring global energy security and addressing climate change.

解析 1.能源安全同世界经济的稳定发展和各国人民的福祉息息相关。当前,全球能源版图出现重大变化,页岩气等非常规油气异军突起,美国和西半球成为能源重要供应地。Energy security is important to the stability and growth of the world economy and the wellbeing of people of all countries.Major changes are taking place in the global energy landscape.With me emergence and rapid growth of non-conventional sources of oil and gas such as shale gas,the United States and the western hemisphere have become major energy suppliers.
  分析  语言措辞类
  本句中,四字格“息息相关”和“异军突起”是翻译难点。需要注意的是,汉语中的四字格有时是为了句式工整,有时是强调重复,有时是为了艺术性和节奏感。而想要在英语中找到相应的四词结构来对译很难。对此,常用的翻译策略是先理清四字格的逻辑关系,然后确定其中心词,再选取恰当的英语单词来翻译,而其他补充信息可选择省译。比如,此处的“息息相关”可翻译成be important/essential to,be closely related/bound to,be the concern of等,“异军突起”可译为the emergence and rapid growth of,emerge as a significant…,spring up等。
2.国际社会应树立互利合作、多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观,共同稳定能源等大宗商品价格、防止过度投机,保障各国特别是发展中国家能源需求,维护能源市场正常秩序。The international community should foster a new thinking on energy security that features mutually beneficial cooperation,diversified development and coordinated supply.Joint efforts should be made to stabilize the prices of energy and other bulk commodities and prevent excessive speculation,so as to meet the energy demand of all countries,particularly the developing countries,and maintain a stable energy market.
  分析  句子结构类
  本句虽然属于长句子,但句意清晰、结构明了,基本上按顺句翻译即可。不过在翻译时应注意以下几点:第一,汉语句子语义重心一般在后,而英语句子语义重心一般在前,因此在翻译“国际社会应树立……的新能源安全观”时,可将宾语部分前置翻译为The international community should foster/develop a new thinking energy security that features…;第二,“(国际社会应)共同稳定……、防止……,保障……,维护……”可采用语态转换的译法,将副词“共同”译作主语,并使用被动结构Joint efforts should be made,而如果采用其原有的逻辑主语“国际社会”并使用主动语态,将其译作The international community should mutually stabilize…也并无不可,只是在此处句意表达上不如被动语态更客观;最后,“稳定……价格、防止……投机”和“保障……需求,维护……秩序”之间有内在的因果逻辑关系,可增译so as to来强化句意结构。
3.同时,各国应改善能源结构,加强先进能源技术的研发和推广,大力发展清洁和可再生能源,在相关领域积极开展国际合作。Meanwhile,various countries should improve their own energy mix,promote the research,development and spread of advanced energy technologies,vigorously develop clean and renewable energies,and actively conduct international cooperation in relevant fields.
  分析  语言措辞类
  本文选自2013年9月外交部发布的《第68届联合国大会中方立场文件》,文中句式对仗、用词丰富、措辞严谨,具有典型的政治文献特点。比如,本句中的“改善(improve/enhance/promote)”“加强(promote/strengthen/enhance)”“大力发展(vigorously/rapidly/further/intensively develop)”“积极开展(actively conduct/develop/promote/carry out)”等。翻译时,应注意语言措辞的变化性和层次感,从而做到恰如其分地传神达意。
4.中国政府高度重视能源和能源安全问题,坚持节约优先、立足国内、多元发展、保护环境的原则。The Chinese government attaches great importance to issues relating to energy and energy security,and adheres to the principle of giving priority to conservation,mainly relying on domestic supply,seeking diversified development and protecting the environment.
  分析  句子结构类
  本句中,汉语原句的主干结构包含了两个谓语部分,即“中国政府高度重视……,坚持……的原则”。其中,第二个谓语部分翻译时需注意汉语句子语义重心一般在后,而英语句子语义重心一般在前的特点,因此可采取换序译法,将“原则”一词前置翻译。同时,名词“原则”前面有四个定语修饰语,均为四字格,英译时应先抓取其中心含义,并在句式结构上尽量做到对仗工整,才能表现出汉语四字格的神韵。比如在adhere to the principle of的介词of后,全部采用动宾结构,就能增强句式的节奏感和美感。