
游客2025-02-03  2

问题     在人类发展进步的壮阔征程上,中国与世界各国结伴前行。今年是中国改革开放40周年。40年来,我们历经风雨,砥砺前行,走出了一条中国特色社会主义道路。


答案     In pursuing our common cause for development and progress for humankind, China has worked in partnership with other countries of the international community. This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up program. Over the past 40 years, we have worked hard and forged ahead successfully along a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
    This path has brought fundamental changes to China. Over the past 40 years, more than 700 million of the Chinese population have been lifted out of absolute poverty, which accounts for over 70 % of the global total in the same period. A basic medical insurance system has been set up to cover the 1.35 billion Chinese people, and a social pension network accessible to over 900 million people is now fully instituted, all as part of China’s contribution to human development and progress. Starting from scratch, China has built some 25, 000 kilometers of high-speed railway. This accounts for two thirds of the global total and helps elevate global infrastructure construction. According to polls conducted by authoritative international polling agencies, China tops global rankings in terms of public satisfaction with its development and of public confidence in the future of development.
    The path of development China pursues has provided the world with opportunities for common development. Over the past 40 years, China’s foreign trade has registered an average annual growth of 14.5%. This has sustained impetus for global growth and offered the world a huge Chinese market. We have every confidence to maintain the momentum and realize high-quality development. China will speed up efforts to build an advanced economic system, and this will create greater trade opportunities and an even better investment environment for other countries. Going forward, China will not reverse course or shut the door close. China will open still wider to the world. China will not erect market barriers but will expand access to the Chinese market. ...

解析 1.在人类发展进步的壮阔征程上,中国与世界各国结伴前行。In pursuing our common cause for development and progress for humankind,China has worked in partnership with other countries of the international community.
翻译汉语状语“在人类发展进步的壮阔征程上”时,没有简单化译作“in the course of…”,而是根据状语与主句的关系处理成了分词短语,使其与主句的衔接更紧凑。
2.今年是中国改革开放40周年。40年来,我们历经风雨,砥砺前行,走出了一条中国特色社会主义道路。This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up program.Over the past 40 years,we have worked hard and forged ahead successfully along a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
“改革开放”早已耳熟能详,但“改革开放”不能翻译成“reform and open”(来自必应词典),“改革”不能翻译成“reconstruct” “rebuild” “transform”等,“开放”不能翻译成“open-door”。“改革开放”通常翻译成“reform and opening-up”。“中国特色社会主义”通常翻译成“socialism with Chinese characteristics”, “中国特色社会主义道路”可以据此翻译成“a path/road of socialism with Chinese characteristics”。“历经风雨”“砥砺前行”这两个四字格词语分别做了灵活变通处理。
3.40年来,7亿多人口摆脱绝对贫困,占同期全球减贫人口总数的70%以上。Over the past 40 years,more than 700 million of the Chinese population have been lifted out of absolute poverty, which accounts for over 70%of the global total in the same period.
原文除时间短语外由两个短句构成,英语译文用一个定语从句把两个短句合成一句,语义紧凑。另外, “population”是单数名词,不能用复数形式。
4.建立覆盖13.5亿人口的基本医疗保险和9亿多人口的社会养老保险制度,为人类发展进步作出了我们的贡献。A basic medical insurance system has been set up to cover the 1.35 billion Chinese people,and a social pension network accessible to over 900 million people is now fully instituted,all as part of China’s contribution to human development and progress.
原文句子较长,为客观陈述。从语义逻辑上讲,英语表达要区分施事方和受事方。为突显受事方,该句英译时变成了被动语态。原句表达的结果“为人类发展进步作出了我们的贡献”在翻译时处理成了复合介词短语“all as part of China’s contribution to human development and progress”。“覆盖……9亿多人口的”是前置定语,而在翻译时处理成了形容词短语“accessible to over 900 million people”作后置定语。原文“建立”一词,根据后面的宾语,分别在译文中处理为两个不同的动词“set up”和“institute”。
5.中国高速铁路已达2.5万公里,占世界高铁总里程三分之二,带动全球基础设施建设迈上新水平。Starting from scratch,China has built some 25,000 kilometers of high-speed railway.This accounts for two thirds of the global total and helps elevate global infrastructure construction.
原文为三个短句,为更好地组织句子,翻译时把原句的主语“中国高速铁路”变成了施事方“中国”。为了译文语义的逻辑连贯,增加了分词短语“starting from scratch”。英语善于使用各种指代手段,以达到表达简洁的效果。本句中,第二句译文使用了指示代词"this",使整个译文逻辑顺承,表达简洁明快。
6.根据国际权威机构民调,在世界各国中,中国民众对国家发展成就的满意度和对发展前景的信心始终名列第一。According to polls conducted by authoritative international polling agencies,China tops global rankings in terms of public satisfaction with its development and of public confidence in the future of development.
翻译时把原来的主语“中国民众”变成了“China”。原文有两个并列名词短语“对国家发展成就的满意度和对发展前景的信心”,在英语句子中分别用复合介词“in terms of”引出,初学者在翻译时容易丢掉第二个“of”,翻译时应该注意。译文选用动词“top”用得很好,灵活表达了“名列第一”之义。
7.这条道路,向世界分享了共同发展的机遇。The path of development China pursues has provided the world with opportunities for common development.
此句虽然简短,要翻译成符合英语习惯的表达还要多动脑筋。译文转换表达,选用了动词“provide”,更加符合英语语义逻辑。汉语原文有“这条道路”,英语译文后面直接紧跟对“这条道路”的诠释,在其后增加了一个定语从句“China pursues”。虽然只有两个单词,却充分体现了英语句子语义逻辑上的紧密衔接。此外,“共同发展”译为“common development”,还可译为“shared development”,相似表达还有“命运共同体”的翻译“a community of shared future”。
8.40年来,中国对外贸易额年均增长14.5%,为世界经济注入持久动力,提供了巨大市场。Over the past 40 years,China’s foreign trade has registered an average annual growth of 14.5%.This has sustained impetus for global growth and offered the world a huge Chinese market.
原句由多个短句和短语构成,为了保证语义表达的连贯,英译时翻译成了两个句子,并用指代词语“this”明确了前后关系,保证了语义衔接的连贯顺畅。译文中“register”意为“(of an instrument)record automatically;indicate”(The Concise Oxford Dictionary.Ninth Edition.1995.p1157),显化了原文的语义,符合英文表达习惯。
9.我们有信心继续保持经济向好势头,努力实现高质量发展,加快建设现代化经济体系,给世界创造更多贸易机会,为各国提供更好投资环境。We have every confidence to maintain the momentum and realize high-quality development.China will speed up efforts to build an advanced economic system,and this will create greater trade opportunities and an even better investment environment for other countries.
10.中国也不会高筑壁垒,准入的门槛只会越降越低。China will not erect market barriers but will expand access to the Chinese market.