
游客2025-01-18  7

问题     国际卫生领域的合作必须建立在尊重国家主权和领土完整基础上。尊重国家主权和领土完整是《联合国宪章》的重要原则。中国重视国际卫生领域的合作,奉行在国际合作中尊重他国主权和领土完整的原则。我们希望其他国家也能如此。尊重别人,就是尊重自己。//我相信,世界上任何主权国家都不会同意本国的一个省或地区,参与只有主权国家才能参加的联合国机构。否则,世界将失去秩序,国际法将失去意义,国际组织也将失去有效开展工作的基础。这不是个技术问题,而是重大原则问题。对中国而言,这也是关系到13亿人民感情的问题。//
    少数国家年复一年地提出一个早在上个世纪70年代就已解决的问题,一个根本不属于本专门机构审议的问题,一个与世界医疗卫生事业毫不相干的问题,这不能不说是在浪费 WHO的宝贵资源和绝大多数代表的时间和精力。//这是在公然挑战联合国大会的有关决议和WHO《组织法》,是在严重损害一个成员国的主权和领土完整。这种做法无益于各国在卫生领域的合作,也无益于WHO的健康发展。//


答案     International cooperation in the field of health must be based on the important principle of the UN Charter—respect for state sovereignty and territorial integrity. China attaches importance to international health cooperation and practices the principle of respect for state sovereignty and territorial integrity in international cooperation. We hope that other countries will do the same. To respect others is to respect oneself. // I believe that no sovereign state in this world will allow one of its provinces or areas to participate in a UN agency that is only open to sovereign states. This allowed, the world would go out of order and the international law would become meaningless. International organizations would also be deprived of the basis for effective performance of their functions. It is therefore not a technical issue. It is an issue of important principle. For China, it is also an issue that bears on the sentiments of 1.3 billion people. //
    A small number of countries have been, year after year, raising a question that was already solved long ago in the 70s of the last century, a question that is completely out of the scope of deliberations of this specialized agency and totally irrelevant to the world health and medical undertakings. It is simply a waste of the precious resources of the WHO and the time and energy of the overwhelming majority of the delegates. //Such an act in blatant defiance of relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Constitution of the WHO constitutes grave encroachment on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a member state. It is of disservice to the cooperation among all countries in the field of health and is certainly not conducive to the sound development of the WHO. //
    A few countries dished out Taiwan-related proposals in the General Committee six times in a row in the past six years. And six times, the General Committee upheld justice and turned them down. Facts have proven that whatever forms the proposals take, they cannot avoid ending in failure. //
    We call upon all member states of the Committee to support the position of the Chinese delegation and hold by the righteous decisions of the Assembly and the Committee and do not incorporate the Taiwan-related proposal into the Provisional Agenda of the Assembly. We are confident that the Committee will defend justice and safeguard the dignity and legal effect of the UN General Assembly and WHA resolutions. //
    Thank you, Mr Chairman.
    (Excerpts from the speech by Wu Yi, former Vice Premier and Minister of Health, on Taiwan-related Proposal at General Committee of 56th World Health Assembly on May 20, 2003)
