中国有句古话是这样的:“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”中国书法好似山上之仙、水中之龙。 中国书法同其他书写形式有很大区别。汉字在其漫

游客2024-11-07  10

问题     中国有句古话是这样的:“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”中国书法好似山上之仙、水中之龙。


答案     An ancient Chinese saying goes that "Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal, and any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon." Chinese calligraphy is like an immortal in a mountain and a dragon in a river.
    Chinese calligraphy is very different from other forms of writing. During their long history of development Chinese characters have evolved and been written into many different artistic styles, including the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells and on ancient bronze objects, the seal character, official script, regular script, running script and cursive script.
    Many Chinese characters are pictographs and often the meaning of a particular character is apparent in the pictorial form of the character. Calligraphy, whether done with a knife or brush, can be rendered in ways that exaggerate the form, consequently yielding effects of artistic beauty.
    Calligraphy, therefore, has been traditionally a subject of artistic study. Down through the centuries Chinese calligraphers have devoted substantive attention to studying the forms, laws and theories pertinent to the art of calligraphy. Moreover, their works have significantly influenced calligraphers of Chinese characters in Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian countries. People from these countries regularly visit China in search of calligraphic art.

解析 背景介绍
-  山不在高,有仙则名:意为“只要有神仙的山必定出名”,故译为“Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal.”。其中“immortal”表示“不朽的人物;永生不死的人”。
-  水不在深,有龙则灵:意为“任何河流只要有龙存在一定是圣洁的”,故译为“any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon”。
-  艺术形式:artistic styles。
-  甲骨铭文、青铜器铭文:  “铭文”指器物、碑碣等上面的文字(大多铸成或刻成);  “甲骨铭文”指刻在龟甲或兽骨上的铭文,故译为“the inscriotions on bones or tortoise shells and on ancient bronze obiects”。其中“inscription”表示“铭文(尤指刻于纪念石碑上,或压印于硬币或奖章等上者)”。
-  篆书:篆书是一种汉字字体,秦朝整理字体后规定的写法。译为“the seal character”。
-  隶书:隶书是一种汉字字体,由篆书简化演变而成,汉朝的隶书笔画比较简单,是汉朝通行的字体。译为“official script”。
-  楷书:楷书是汉字字体的一种,就是现在通行的汉字手写正体字,它是由隶书演变来的,也叫正楷。译为“regular script”。
-  行书:行书是汉字字体的一种,形体和笔势介于草书和楷体之间。译为“running script”。
-  草书:草书是汉字字体的一种,特点是笔画相连,写起来快。译为“cursive script”。
-  象形文字:pictograph。
-  无论是刀刻书法还是笔墨书法:此处“刀刻”和“笔墨”均指工具,故译为“whether done with a knife or brush”。
-  取得艺术效果:即产生艺术美感,译为“yielding effects of artistic beauty.”。
-  因此书法一直是一门研究艺术:意为“书法一直是艺术研究的对象”,故译成“Calligraphy, therefore,has been traditionally a subject of artistic study.”。
-  倾注了大量的心血:译为“have devoted substantive attention to…”,其中“substantive”表示“大量的”。
-  研究书法艺术的形式、规则及理论:译为“studying the forms,laws and theories pertinent to the art of calligraphy”,其中短语“pertinent to”表示“referring directly to;relevant to(有关的;中肯的)”。例如,remarks not pertinent to the subject under discussion(与讨论中的题目无关的谈话)。
-  探索书法艺术:重视英语的形合,原文动词“探索”可以用介词词组翻译,如:  “in search of calligraphic art”。