Affluent Chinese are traveling abroad frantically buying international brand
Affluent Chinese are traveling abroad frantically buying international brand
Affluent Chinese are traveling abroad frantically buying international brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci. Why do you think China’s rich spend big on luxury goods? The following are opinions from different consumers. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly the different opinions;
2. give your comment.
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Mrok ( Japan) : I would like to say that it is also a trend of a group of people who become rich from being poor in a short time. So, most of them are eager to show their "success" in the economic aspect in order to earn respect from others, and luxury goods seem to be the best "symbol of success". Another reason for this is the highly-valued competition in Chinese society, as well as in other East Asian neighbors. That is why those people buy Prada by day but sleep in a 2-star hotel by night (they don’t want to be "the loser" in the "competition"). It also happened in Japan 20 years ago.
Gaoshuangera (China) : As a student, I don’t understand why we need a LV bag, especially if purchasing it with our parents’ money. Also, I don’t like the idea that "people look down on me if I don’t have a LV bag". If you are really rich and you can afford a LV bag easily, why not? But if you want it just because of what others say, it is just "xurongxin" (vanity) as we say in Chinese.
Himani (India): I think it’s true not only of China but also of many other Asian countries like India because these countries have very high import taxes. Also it’s a matter of status symbol when people brag about visiting abroad and going shopping in the US or in the UK.
Felix (the US): China has imposed high import tariffs on luxuries, partly for the protectionism of their local products—which is understandable. When living in Hong Kong and Singapore, I used to wonder why the mainland Chinese would be so ready to spend big money on luxury goods when traveling. I now understand that their purchasing behavior is partly due to practical considerations (cheaper, more varieties, better service, etc. ) and partly due to pent-up demand.
Xilaren (Greece) : I had the chance to visit luxury shops in Athens, which had at least 15 Chinese women and men buying Gucci handbags. What is surprising to me is that none of them bought luxury shoes or clothes. Wearing a Rolex and carrying a Gucci handbag require matching shoes and clothes. Otherwise the luxury products are a failure. This kind of buying shows me something saddening. Do these people care only about showing off by holding a Gucci handbag and do not care about clothes and shoes simply because nobody can recognize the brand of the shoes? If this is the case, then it is really saddening.
JGVk (the UK) : I have met many Chinese visitors in London. One of the main reasons why they buy many luxury items, instead of one or two, is simple. Many of them are first-time overseas tourists. In China and in most of Asia, there is a social obligation to buy presents of equal quality for friends and relatives. Over time, this "obligation" may disappear—therefore, their shopping habits will change over the next few years.
Why Do China’s Rich Spend Big on Luxury Goods?
It is said that people from Asia, mostly Chinese, account for almost half of the luxury consumption in the world, which is more than the Americans and Europeans combined. People home and abroad look at this phenomenon from different perspectives.
Some conclude that this behavior is vanity-driven. The newly rich Chinese are taking luxury goods as the symbol of success, which is enhanced by the highly-valued competition. Actually, this kind of shopping spree has aroused some uncomfortable feelings of the under-rich people. Others attribute the trend to China’s customs, which imposes very high import tariffs for regional protectionism, and some other practical benefits such as more varieties and better service. Another sensible analysis is that the crazily-shopping Chinese are just buying gifts for their friends and relatives. Anyway, westerners couldn’t understand why Chinese people are buying so many luxurious bags, which don’t match their clothes and shoes. They deem this kind of shopping habits as immature consumption.
Putting this phenomenon into the historical context, I understand Chinese people’s shopping motivation and I think it will change over time. First, Chinese people’s shopping demand for luxuries has long been restrained. It is very understandable for a newly rich country. Back to decades ago, Americans impressed the whole world with their vanity and wealth, so did Japanese years later. Second, the cultivation of rational consumption and good taste takes time. The newly rich Chinese have just gained their fortune, which they are still learning to handle. If the money is earned in legal ways and through their own efforts, what is it to blame for? At last, the trend will surely change with the regulations on import taxes. The turning point will surely come after the establishment of various free trade areas that China is initiating both in domestic big cities and with neighboring countries.
Therefore, I do believe the impression that Chinese tourists have left onto the world will one day be changed. Westerners should thank the Chinese for saving their economy out of depression and the under-rich Chinese should look at the others’ wealth in a more rational way.
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