读书的状态大致分为三种:一是为别人而读,二是为有用而读,三是为兴趣而读。 处在第一种状态是最痛苦的,自己本不想读,但迫于外界压力却不得不读。好多

游客2024-11-06  12

问题     读书的状态大致分为三种:一是为别人而读,二是为有用而读,三是为兴趣而读。


答案 Those who read to get diplomas or professional titles also belong to the first group. For them, reading is really a hard job.
    The second group read for use. These people already know that they can benefit a lot from books and they are well aware of what they should read. They have clear purposes of improving their professional ability or enriching their knowledge. For instance, those who major in computer technology read computer books, those who study literature read novels, teachers read about educational psychology, businessmen read about economics, and administrators read about politics and management... They read for obtaining knowledge in some fields so that they can support their families and establish themselves in the society with their own skills.

解析 1.英语是“主语显著”(subject-prominent)的语言,而汉语是“话题显著”(topic—prominent)的语言。画线部分中多个句子缺失主语,翻译时,应注意补充的主语必须是句中突出的部分,并符合句中的逻辑关系及英语的语言习惯。本篇中“读书的状态大致分为三种”其实是指将读书人分为三种,即three groups of readers。画线部分第一段可作为两句分译。“亦在此列”根据上文可知,是指属于“第一种”。“读书实在是件苦差事”可译为reading is really a hard job。
2.画线部分第二段第二句中,“书中自有黄金屋和颜如玉”是汉语典故,不能直译,译出来如There is gold and beautiful girls hiding in books.之类,外国人不会懂其中的含义,可意译为they can benefit a lot from books;“已经能从烟波浩淼的书海中有所取舍”也可意译为they are well aware of what they should read。根据语义,此句最后一个小句应与第三句的前两小句合译。
3.画线部分第二段第三句中,“或为提高专业技术水平,或为丰富知识”与第二句最后一个小分句合译为:They have clear purposes of improving their professional ability or enriching their knowledge.后面的五个小分句是举例,可加上For instance,然后再译出这几个并列句。“学电脑的”与“学文学的”相呼应,可分别增译为:those who major in computer technology和those who study literature。最后三个小分句中,“读”字后面跟的是书籍的内容,需注意read一词的用法。以“读教育心理”为例,可以译作read books about educational psychology或read about educational psychology,而不能译为read educational psychology。
4.画线部分第二段最后一句中,须补充主语They。考虑到在翻译“为获得某方面的知识而读书”(They read for obtaining knowledge in some fields)时已经用了knowledge,故此处“真才实学”意译为with their own skills,若译为with real knowledge就会显得重复。