
游客2024-11-06  22

问题     那还是几年前的一个早晨,在太阳刚刚升起来的时候,踏着熹微的晨光,到一个离旅馆不远的菜市场去。到了邻近菜市场的地方,市场的气氛就逐渐浓了起来。熙熙攘攘的人群,摩肩擦背,来来往往。许多老大娘的菜篮子里装满了蔬菜海味鸡鸭鱼肉。有的篮子里活鱼在摇摆着尾巴,肥鸡在咯咯地叫着。老大娘带着一脸笑意,满怀愉快,走回家去。


答案 It was on an early morning of several years ago, when it was just dawning, that I went in the twilight to a food market near the hotel where I was staying. The closer I went, the more liveliness of the market hung over me. The bustling crowd elbowed their way back and forth at the market. Many senior housewives filled their baskets with vegetables, poultry, meat and various aquatic food. Those satisfied housewives smiled all the way back, some with energetic fish wagging tails in their baskets, and some with plump chicken chuckling along with them.

解析 1.第一句较长,翻译时可以通过强调句型It was…that…合译为一句话,从而使句子结构紧凑,流畅自然。“在太阳刚刚升起来的时候”根据上下文应译为when it was just dawning,而“熹微的晨光”可以译为twilight。
2.第二句翻译时可以采取意译的方法,即“越走近菜市场,越能够感觉到市场热闹的气氛”,这里可用the more…,the more…句式来表示。
3.第三句中的三三个成语在翻译时应当注意选词,使译文符合英语用语习惯。“熙熙攘攘”可译为The bustling crowd;“摩肩擦背”可译为elbowed their way;“来来往往”可译为back and forth。
4.第四句中的“老大娘”可译为senior housewives;“蔬菜海味鸡鸭鱼肉”应当按照英语的表达习惯重新分类并调整语序,“鸡鸭”这里指的是家禽类,可译为poultry,而“海味和鱼”属于水产,可译为aquatic food。
5.根据句意,最后两句可以采用合译法:可根据英语表达习惯将倒数第二句译为最后一句的伴随状语。该句语言十分生动,翻译时应尽量再现原文特点。“满怀愉快,走回家去”可译为smiled all the way back,更为生动。