
游客2024-11-06  15

问题 春秋时期,楚文王垂涎息国国君夫人息妫的天生丽质,派兵灭了息国,霸占了息妫。他们一起生活了好多年,甚至还养了孩子,然而息夫人从来不愿开口跟楚文王说一句话。


答案     Confronted with the so-called " the mighty" , the weak can be trampled, insulted and damaged; nevertheless, not are they defeated. Despite their inability to revolt, they could choose to keep silence. Now it has been thousands of years from the age Mrs. Xi lived in, but I’m still impressed when reading her story. How many years did this legendary little lady accompany Emperor Chu by dining and sleeping with him and even giving birth to his baby? All the preferences like wealth, social position, power, favor and affection offered by the mighty Emperor Chu should never have touched her, not even have drawn any attention from her. Faced with a lady like Mrs. Xi, where did all his mighty power go? What a great failure it was for this mighty emperor! Not having spoken even one word, could such a lady be thought to be weak?

解析 1.画线部分第一句由表示转折关系的并列句组成,可用副词nevertheless表示这一关系。其中前半句中“在所谓的‘强者’面前”可处理为伴随状语,又因其与主语是被动关系,故采用-ed结构;“强者”和“弱者”均可采用the+adj.的形式,译为the mighty和the weak;“在……面前”可译为Confronted with;“践踏”“侮辱”“损害”和“屈服”可分别译为trampled,insulted,damaged和defeated。
2.画线部分第二句同样表转折,可有多种译法。译文采用Despite介词结构,其中“没有力量”处理为名词inability;“抗争”可译为revolt;“不说话”可转译为keep silence。
3.画线部分第三句中出现了时间状语“千百年后”,翻译时要符合全文的时间视角,因此将其独立译出Now it has been thousands of years from the age Mrs.Xi lived in;“叹息不已”表达许多感慨、深受触动之意,因此可意译为I’m still impressed。
4.画线部分第四句由多个分句构成,需进行拆译。首先确定本句主干是“息夫人伴随楚王多少年”,剩余部分均为补足成分,可用by介词结构译出;其中“有着传奇身份”可译为legendary;“和……一起……”可译为accompany;“一起吃饭,一起睡觉”可使用短语dine and sleep with sb.;“生孩子”译为giving birth to。
5.画线部分第五句中“竟”的语气可用should译出。为了符合英文表达习惯,处理句子主语时要首先给出概括性词语,然后再分类列举,因此采用preferences一词概括了楚王的偏爱,并用介词like引出其后并列成分;其中“富贵豪奢、威仪恩惠、眷恋宠爱”可意译为wealth,social position,power,favor and affection;“打动”可译为touched;“进入到……眼里”可译为have drawn any attention from…。