
游客2024-11-06  13

问题     和树生在一起的时候,他总是提起他的村子。他说村里的房子都是用木头搭建的,年代久远黑漆漆的木头甚至会生出很多蘑菇来。石板路从村里一直延伸至山里的泉边,夏天光着脚走在冰凉湿滑的石板路上就像喝了泉水一样舒坦。吃过晚饭,乡亲们都聚到村里的老榕树下,听村里的邴老师给大家讲山外面的故事。而他和一帮淘得能上天的小子三下两下就窜上了树丫,一边听树下邴老师的故事,一边瞪着眼睛看星星……


答案 As he said, all houses in his village were built of wood, some of which, blackened with the passage of time, were even covered with a lot of mushrooms.
There was a stone-slabbed path extending from the village all the way to the spring in the mountain. In summer, the path being cool, wet and smooth, walking barefoot on it is as comfortable as drinking spring water.
After dinner, the villagers would gather under the old banyan tree, listening to stories happened outside the mountain, told by Mr. Bing, the teacher in the village.
But Shusheng, with a group of very naughty boys, would swiftly skip up to the tree and perch on the branches, listening to the stories while staring at the stars...

解析     本文选自《2014中国小小说精选》中于艳丽的作品《树生的天堂》,行文自然流畅,但长句较多,翻译时应注意根据句意进行断句拆译,深入理解原文的真正含义后,找出相对应的英语表达方式。