
游客2024-11-05  10

问题 中国古代思想家孔子说:“四十而不惑,五十而知天命。”一个人有了几十年的生活经历,就可以更好地理解世事之变迁,更坚定地去实现自己的志向和理想。今天,在庆祝联合国50诞辰之际,人们自然更加殷切地希望联合国遵循宪章的宗旨和原则,倾听各国人民的呼声,跟上时代的步伐,以新的面貌来迎接新的世纪。


答案 Confucius,China’s ancient philosopher,said,“At 40 I had no more doubts and at 50 I knew the will ofHeaven.”A man,with decades of life behind him,can better understand the change of events and be morehardened in his resolve to fulfill his aspirations and ideals.At this 50th birthday of the UN,it is all toonatural for people to have hilgh hopes that the UN will observe the purposes and principles of its Charter,heed the calls from people of all countries,keep pace with the times and greet the new century with a freshoutlook.

解析 这段材料属于政论体。从语言上来说,译文很好地再现了原文在用词上庄重、大气的特点。第一句中“不惑”译为had no more doubts,“知天命”译为knew the will of Heaven,切勿译为knew the will of God,因为汉语的“天”与“上帝”并不对应。“世事之变迁”中的“世事”,可指世上的事,也可指世界发生的重大事件,文中的意思是后者,译为events。第三句连用四个并列分句,每个分句都有一个动词中心词,分别为“遵循”“倾听”“跟上”和“迎接”,在译文中也要尽量再现这种修辞,选择四个动感强的动词(短语):observe,heed,keeppace with和greet。