
游客2024-11-05  11

问题     我不懂那个微笑着的青年的影子,为什么老是站在我的眼前,使我不能静心读书,不能无忧无虑,过着快乐甜美的生活,我恨他,我想毁灭他的影子,然而不可能;我常在半夜三更,从凄凉可怕的梦境中惊醒来时,就用力捶着自己的脑袋骂着:——你这无用的东西,赶快去死掉吧!……


答案     I couldn’t understand why the image of the smiling young man kept appearing before my mind’s eye, so that I couldn’t concentrate on my studies and could no longer live a happy life free from anxieties and cares. I hate him. I tried to destroy the image, but in vain. Often in the depth of night, on waking up from a dreadful nightmare, I would thump my head with my fist and curse:—You-good-for-nothing, go to hell!
    During my first encounter with him, the moment we had an eye contact, he instantly sowed a seed of love in my heart and magnetically attracted my heart and soul. From then on, I began to have a soft spot in my heart for the opposite sex.

解析 背景介绍
-  我不懂那个微笑着的青年的影子,为什么老是站在我的眼前:通读完全文后就可知道,此处的“眼前”并非字面意思,而是“微笑着的青年”一直出现在作者的脑海里,因此翻译的时候,考生要将隐藏在文章背后的含义挖掘出来。此句译为:I couldn’t understand why the image of the smiling young man kept appearing before my mind’s eye.
-  使我不能静心读书,不能无忧无虑,过着快乐甜美的生活:英译时在句首加上连接词“so that”,使译文逻辑性更强。译文“so that I couldn’t concentrate on my studies and could no longer live a happy life free from anxieties and cares”。
-  我恨他,我想毁灭他的影子,然而不可能:此处的“不可能”指的是“失败了,没有用”,若用“impossible”,则需要添加“(impossible)to do so”。虽然可以接受,但显得冗长,不用则曲解了原文意思。因此译为“I hate him.I tried to destroy the image,but in vain.”
-  在我第一次和他见面的时候,他的视线和我的视线互相接触的一刹那:若这句逐字逐句地翻译,会十分烦琐。因此“他的视线和我的视线互相接触”译成“we had an eye contact”即可。考生平时留心收集简洁、地道的英语表达。比如,百闻不如一见(Seeing is believing.)、笨鸟先飞(A slow sparrow should make an early start.)、活到老学到老(One is never too old to learn.)、塞翁失马焉知非福(Misfortune may be an actual blessing.)、天有不测风云(a bolt from the blue)等等。
-  同时像磁吸引铁似的,把我的心和灵魂,都吸进他的心内去了:这句在翻译时可以考虑将“像磁吸引铁似的”直接用副词“magnetically”代替,此表达既简洁又准确。