
游客2024-11-05  21

问题     范仲淹少年时代非常刻苦,常常一人彻夜伴灯苦读。清贫的生活并没有动摇他矢志求学的决心,他在书本中寻找生活的乐趣。为了见更大的世面,向名师求教,和饱学之士交友,他23岁时来到宋代著名的四大书院之一应天府书院。范仲淹在这里向名师请教,和许多同学相互切磋,大量地阅读了书院丰富的藏书,顿觉眼界大开。这一时期的学习生活为他以后成为一个精通儒家经典、博学多才又擅长诗文的学者奠定了基础。


答案     He was born in a poor family, but the restraint of life did not blunt his will to learn. In his childhood he was very diligent in reading. He would read all night through, trying to discover the meaning of life in books. Urged by his desire to go and see the rest of the world and study with learned scholars, at the age of twenty-three he went to Yingtianfu Academy, one of the four famous academies of the Song Dynasty, where he worked with established scholars and exchanged ideas with his fellow students. He had read a large portion of the Academy’s collection, as a result of which he greatly extended his breadth of vision. His student life at the Academy paved the road along which he eventually became an erudite scholar. He was not only expert on the classics of Confucianism but also well versed in the craft of poetry and prose writing.
    Throughout the country Fan Zhongyan was well-known for his moral integrity. He was so popular that his name was familiar to the people in grass-root neighborhoods and even to the people in neighboring states. Scholars took it as a shame when they failed to study under his supervision. The great poet of the Song Dynasty Su Dongpo admired Fan Zhongyan very much but, all of his life, he had regretted not having the honor of being a student of his.

解析 背景介绍
-  清贫的生活:译为“the restraint of life”,对原文的把握非常到位,与“did not blunt his will to learn”相呼应。
-  生活的乐趣:对于读书之人“生活的乐趣”即“生活的意义”,故译为“the meaning of life”。
-  为了见更大的世面:“见世面”即“看看外面的世界”,这部分译为“Urged by his desire to go and see the rest of the world”。
-  大量地阅读了书院丰富的藏书:  “大量地阅读”指“阅读了书院藏书的很大一部分”,译为“He had read a large portion of the Academy’s collection.”。
-  眼界大开:指“视野更加开阔”,译为“he greatly extended his breadth of vision”。
-  范仲淹一生道德文章,名闻天下:指“范仲淹为人正直,因而名闻天下”,译为“Throughout the country Fan Zhongyan was well-known for his moral integrity.”。
-  大街小巷以至外邦,人人都知道他的名字:  “大街小巷”指“平民老百姓都知道他的名字”,故译为“his name was familiar to the people in grass-root neighborhoods”。
-  著名文学家苏东坡:苏东坡是宋朝著名的诗人,译为“The great poet of the Song Dynasty Su Dongpo”。