Recently, China has seen a boom in selling private cars. The private car has

游客2024-09-28  1

问题    Recently, China has seen a boom in selling private cars. The private car has greatly improved individual’s freedom of movement. Moreover, they have become a symbol of status. However, the use of private cars has brought serious problems like air pollution and road accidents.
   Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
   You are to write in three parts.
   In the first part state the necessity of reducing the use of private motor vehicles.
   In the second part, state what your suggested ways are.
   In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
   Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案    [1]The private motor vehicle has given people a freedom to travel freely, swiftly and comfortably in the world. [2]However, the car has also brought serious problems while improving people’s life. [3]They pollute the air and cause road congestion. [4]And many people are injured or killed in the road accidents every year. [5]Therefore, it is high time that the use of private motor vehicles was reduced.
   [6]There are mainly two ways to reduce the use of private cars. [7]First, we should develop efficient public transport systems to help reduce dependence on private cars. [8]Many people prefer to drive theft cars to work because they think cars are quicker and more convenient. [9]If the quality and availability of public transport could be improved and the fare is reasonable, surely quite a lot of people will turn to buses, trains or subways. Second, the government should try to encourage people to walk or ride a bicycle to travel short distances. [10]Meanwhile, cars need to be banned in some parts of the city to ensure the safety of the foot passengers.
   [11]I believe with quick, safe and easy access to their destinations many people may mm to public transport and give up the idea of using theft own cars.

解析    [1] freely,swiftly,comfortably三词并列,这是常用的修辞方式,也是本文的亮点。
   [2] 用转折词However将话锋一转,指出虽然私家车改善了人们的生活,但同时也带来了诸多严重的问题。
   [3][4] 说明问题的严重性。
   [5] 用it is high time that...句型说明解决问题的必要性。
   [6] 提出两三条合理建议即可,切勿罗列太多条。
   [7] 用形容词efficient使表达更准确。
   [8] prefer to是语言亮点。
   [9] 使用buses, trains, subways来表达public transport,避免了重复。
   [10] 使用Meanwhile使前后连接紧凑。
   [11] 总结言简意赅。全文共用了12个句子,层次分明,句型变换丰富。