American Gun Pays Deluge Recently, many people have

游客2024-09-28  1

问题                         American Gun Pays Deluge
    Recently, many people have been killed by gun-shot in America. In the past, national political leaders might have raised troubling questions about how an unstable character could obtain easy access to high-powered weapons. They might have been even more motivated given that Poplawski’s cop-killing case was part of a near epidemic of mass murders that have left 58 people dead over the past month. Or given that Mexico’s madly violent drug groups are arming them selves with high-powered assault (攻击) weapons purchased at US gun stores and later smuggled south of the border. Yet many past champions of stricter gun-control measures ars silent. These include about top Obama White House officials who have forbade any talk within the administration about pushing further gun-control measures.
    Running for president in last year’s Democratic primaries, Barack Obama promised to restore a federal ban on certain semiautomatic (半自动的) assault guns—a position that’s still on the White House Web site. The ban was originally passed by the Democratic-controlled Congress in 1994 and abolished five years ago. In recent years the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (烟酒枪支爆炸物管理局) has also lifted virtually all restriction on imports of foreign-made assault weapons, permitting a flood of cheap Romanian, Bulgarian and other Eastern European AK-47s to enter the country, according to gun-control groups.
    But Obama and to White House aides have all but abandoned the issue. Emanuel helped arrange passage of the original assault-weapons ban when he worked in the Clinton White House. Now he and other White House strategists have decided they can’t afford to debate with the National Rifle Association at a time when they’re pushing other priorities, like economic renewal and health-care reform, say congressional officials. A White House official, who asked not to identified discussing internal strategy, says," there isn’t support in Congress for such a ban at his time." A White House spokesman says, " the President supports the Second Amendment, respects the tradition of gun ownership in this country, and be believes we can take common-sense steps to keep our streets safe." Pointing to $ 2 billion in new funding for state and local law enforcement in the stimulus package. [br] What is Obama’s opinion about the gun in America?

选项 A、He thinks it necessary to have a gun in America.
B、He attaches treat importance to the gun-shooting.
C、He thinks it is a respectable tradition to have a gun in America.
D、He wants to ban the ownership of gun in America.

答案 C

解析 事实细节题。由题干中的Obama’s opinion about the gun定位到第三段最后一句可见;白宫发言人表明了奥巴马的态度,他尊重美国人拥有枪支的传统。[C]与原文意思一致。[A]“他认为在美国生活有把枪还是必要的”,本文并未提到这一内容,故排除;[B]“他非常重视枪击事件”,不能表明奥巴马对枪的态度,故排除;[D]“他想禁止美国人拥有枪支的权利”,很明显与文中的意思不符,故排除。