[originaltext]M: I’ve just been interviewed for a reporter’s job on the evening

游客2024-08-13  6

M: I’ve just been interviewed for a reporter’s job on the evening paper.
W: What’s your overall feeling about how it went?
M: Well, I think I made a good impression. It seems that they were interested in me because I’ve worked as a reporter before.
Question: What are the speakers talking about?

选项 A、A job interview.
B、A reporter’s work.
C、How to impress people.
D、How to handle an interview

答案 A

解析 题目问对话在谈论什么。 对话开头男士说我刚参加了一场晚报记者的工作面试。下文女士问他对于这场面试的整体感受,然后男士作出回答,故选A。