由于你昨天很忙,未能赴约去参加朋友小林的婚礼,又没来得及通知他。你对此表示道歉,并希望能另找个时间见见他和他的新婚妻子。Dear Xiao Lin, I

游客2024-07-25  5

问题 由于你昨天很忙,未能赴约去参加朋友小林的婚礼,又没来得及通知他。你对此表示道歉,并希望能另找个时间见见他和他的新婚妻子。


答案 Dear Xiao Lin,
   I feel really sorry for having not been able to go to your wedding. I was really busy yesterday and had to deal with a lot of filings in the company, so I didn’t fixed time to go there. I didn’t think it right to call you at that time, so I wrote this letter today.
   Please forgive me. I’d like to have another meeting with you and your wife and I will call you tomorrow.
                                                                             Yours sincerely,

解析 *收信人称谓,其后用逗号。