会议记录 时间:2008年6月12

游客2024-07-27  7

问题                                                             会议记录
   出席者:Mr. Jack, Mr. Rain, Mrs. Black, Mr. Woodrow, Mr. Brian (销售经理)
   缺席者:Mrs. Lesley
   Words for reference:出席者attendant,调整adjust,策略strategy,分析analyze,地区间的不平衡unbalance of different regions,投资计划investment plan


答案                               The Minutes
                                              June 12, 2008, 2:00 p. m., No. 1 Meeting Room
   1.Attendants: Mr. Jack, Mr. Rain, Mrs. Black, Mr. Woodrow, Mr. Brian(sales manager). Mrs. Lesley sent her apology for not attending.
   2.Mr. Jack opened the meeting by reporting the sales profits of 2007, which had been increased twice as much as the previous year.
   3.Mr. Rain was satisfied with the improvement and presented the new investment plan.
   4.Mr. Brian analyzed the difficulties in the sales process and unbalance of different regions. He hoped that the company could adjust the sales strategies to meet the different regional needs.
   5.All the attendants concluded that further market analysis had to be carried out before a final decision was taken.
   6.The meeting ended at 6:00 p. m.
   ◆ 会议的时间和地点;
   ◆ 出席者和缺席者;
   ◆ 发言纪要;
   ◆ 休会时间;
   ◆ 记录者签名。
