According to the passage, public goods are______. [br] The person who does not p

游客2024-07-10  7

问题 According to the passage, public goods are______. [br] The person who does not pay for a public good______.

选项 A、keeps himself from using its benefit
B、cannot enjoy its benefit at any time
C、fails to keep its benefit from being used
D、enjoys its benefit all the same

答案 D

解析 本题为细节题。第三段第二句中的“can not”与“be kept from”为双重否定,相当于一个肯定句,即选项I),或根据后文史密斯太太的例子也可得出D项;C项虽也是肯定句但语态不符(原文是被动语态,C项是主动语态)。