I am writing to apply for the position of Chinese teacher that you advertis

游客2024-07-04  1

问题      I am writing to apply for the position of Chinese teacher that you advertised in The Times(《泰晤士报》)on June 8,2010.I am very much interested in getting this job and I think that I am fully qualified for the position,considering Chinese as my native language and my 5-year experience of teaching Chinese in a British college. Enclosed is a copy of my resume. If you want to get more information about me,please contact me by E-mail. I would greatly appreciate it if you could arrange an interview for me at your convenience.


答案 我写此信应聘您于2010年6月8日在《泰晤士报》上招聘的汉语教师一职。我对这个职位很感兴趣。因为我是中国人,并且在英国一所学院从事过5年的汉语教学,我认为我能胜任这一工作。随信寄去我的简历。如果您希望更多地了解我的情况,请通过电子邮件联系。如果您能在方便的时候安排面试,我将不胜感激。

解析 这是一封求职信的正文部分。翻译时要注意这种应用文文体的风格和表达习惯,如apply for可以表示“请求,申请”,但在这里翻译成“应聘”更贴切:position可以表示“位置,形势”,但在这里表示的是“职位”。此外,注意以下词(组)的翻译:qualified for“胜任”;considering“考虑到,鉴于”Enclosed“随信寄去”;at your convenienee"在您方便的时候”。