[originaltext]M: Out of all the movies that I’ve seen, I think If You Are the O

游客2024-05-30  3

M: Out of all the movies that I’ve seen, I think If You Are the One is the funniest one. I couldn’t keep from laughing throughout the whole movie.
W: That’s exactly how I felt. I was laughing the whole time, and my stomach muscles hurt afterwards.
Q: What are they talking about?
M:What have you done with my study,Maria? I can’t find anything.
W:I really couldn’t stand the mess in that room any more,so I cleaned it this morning.Doesn’t it look more organized and beautiful,honey?
Q:What did the woman think of the man’s study?

选项 A、It was beautiful.
B、It was messed up.
C、It was well-organized.
D、It was clean.

答案 B

解析 对话中,女士说她实在是受不了男士凌乱的书房,因此在上午的时候清理了一遍,由此可见她认为男士的书房很乱。故本题答案为B 。