[originaltext]W: Want to know how to improve sports performance or what makes a

游客2024-05-19  5

W: Want to know how to improve sports performance or what makes a good athlete? Ask a coach! Here we have Swim coach Bob Bowman who has worked with Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps for 14 years. Welcome!
M: Thanks.
W: So,Coach Bowman,what did you see in Michael Phelps that led you to believe he has a special talent?
M: (19) Apart from the fact that he’s a born swimmer, I saw a tremendous competitive spirit, no matter what he was doing. The first time I saw him he was playing games with his friends behind the pool, and it was clear from just watching that he loved to win and he hated to lose.
W: What signs do you look for that tell you an athlete might have the right stuff to really excel in a sport?
M: (20) The first thing I look for is competitiveness. How do they approach their sport? That’s the first thing I noticed about Michael when he was young.
W: Indeed.
M: (20) The second thing I look for is skill level. People naturally tend to do activities that they feel comfortable in and their bodies are really geared toward doing. How do they pick up the basic skills? That would be a good indicator.
W: Let’s talk a bit about coaching. What can a good coach do for an athlete?
M: (21) The most important thing a coach does is to give feedback. Also,I think we give guidance and motivation and some other things. A coach really is a partner in your activity,and I think it’s so much better when you have one.
19. What did the man see in Michael Phelps for having a special talent?
20. What are the essential qualities to excel in a sport according to the man?
21. What is the most important thing that a good coach can do for an athlete?

选项 A、Providing feedback for him.
B、Guiding him through difficulties.
C、Instructing and motivating him.
D、Being there for him when needed.

答案 A

解析 对话最后,男士提到,好的教练能做的最重要的事就是给你反馈,故答案为A)。