[originaltext] An environmental group called the Food Commission is unhappy
[originaltext] An environmental group called the Food Commission is unhappy
An environmental group called the Food Commission is unhappy and disappointed because of the sale of bottled water from Japan. The water, angrily argued in public, has traveled 10,000 "food miles" before it reaches Western customers. "Transporting water halfway across the world is surely the extremely stupid use of fuel when there is plenty of water in the UK." It is also worried that we are wasting our fuel by buying prams from Indonesia (7,000 food miles) and carrots from South Africa (5,900 food miles).
Counting the number of miles traveled by a product is a strange way of trying to tell the true situation of the environmental damage done by an industry. Most food is transported around the world on container ships that are extremely energy efficient. It should be noted that a ton of butter transported 25 miles in a truck to a farmers’ market does not necessarily use less fuel on its journey than a similar product transported hundreds of miles by sea. Besides, the idea of "miles" ignores the amount of fuel used in the production. It is possible to cut down your food miles by buying tomatoes grown in Britain rather than those grown in Ghana; the difference is that the British ones will have been raised in heated greenhouses and the Ghanaian ones in the open sun.
What the idea of "food miles" does provide, however, is the chance to cut out Third World Countries from First World food markets. The number of miles traveled by our food should, as I see it, be regarded as a sign of the success of the global trade system, not a sign of damage to the environment.
26.Why is the Food Commission angry?
27.What does the phrase "food miles" mean according to the passage?
28.What does the speaker try to explain by comparing tomatoes raised in Britain and in Ghana?
29.Who is most probably giving this talk?
A、The distance that a food product travels to a market from its source area.
B、The distance between UK and other food producing countries.
C、The distance that a food product travels from one market to another.
D、The distance between a Third World country and a First World food market.
根据短文中提到的Counting the number of miles…by a product和The number of miles…by our food可推知,food miles应指食品从产地到市场的运输里程,故答案为[A]。
雌激素的作用除外A.抑制输卵管蠕动 B.使子宫内膜增生 C.促进水钠排泄
下列选项中,( )行政行为的时效不符合法律规定。A.控制性详细规划草案公告不少
基础心理学是研究()。 (A)正常成人心理现象的心理学基础学科 (B
从银行提取现金,登记库存现金日记账的依据是()。A、库存现金收款凭证 B、银行