Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay ent

游客2024-05-08  4

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Effects of the Economic Crisis. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
1. 经济危机度卷世界各国
2. 经济危机的影响
3. 我们应该……
                                    The Effects of the Economic Crisis


答案                               The Effects of the Economic Crisis
     The US sub-prime mortgage crisis turns out to be a nightmare for the world economy.Though it took shape ill the United has already resulted in adverse consequences for banks a

解析 本文要求考生就近期的经济危机表明自己的看法。在布局上,第一段简明介绍经济危机的一些基本情况,谈及它的起因,各国的不同情况等;第二段说明经济危机的影响,考生应该首先对其影响做一些限制,明确受影响的具体方面;第一段阐明我们应该如何应对这次经济危机,可以从具体的措施上发表个人看法,也可以从宏观上论述我们应该采取何种态度,言之有理即可。  