1969年,在中国西部甘肃省武威的一座东汉古墓中,出土了一件珍贵的文物——铜奔马(bronze galloping horse)。这匹青铜骏马,浑身布满

游客2024-04-28  8

问题     1969年,在中国西部甘肃省武威的一座东汉古墓中,出土了一件珍贵的文物——铜奔马(bronze galloping horse)。这匹青铜骏马,浑身布满了斑驳的铜绿(verdigris)。虽然铜奔马只有34.5厘米高,但它强健饱满的身躯,显得十分雄浑矫健。那奔腾的四蹄、飞扬的长尾、微微张开的口鼻(dilated nostrils),逼真地表现了骏马疾驰的形象。更巧妙的(ingenious)是,它的右后蹄下踏着一只展翅疾飞的龙雀(swallow),形象地表现出骏马奔腾的速度超过了飞鸟,展现了快马飞奔蹄不沾土的雄姿,反映了古代人民对骏马的喜爱。


答案     In 1969, a galloping horse in bronze was unearthed in an Eastern Han Dynasty(206BC— 220 AD)tomb in Wuwei, Gansu Province in western China. The 34.5 cm-high bronze horse, covered with spots of verdigris, has a full and robust body. The prancing legs, flying tail, slightly dilated nostrils portray a galloping horse. What is ingenious about it is that one of its hind feet is stepping on a flying swallow. That means the galloping horse is faster than a flying swallow. This also shows the ancient people’s love for horses.
