在纸发明之前,人们使用的书写材料是竹简(bamboo slip)和绢帛(silk)。自诞生之后,纸在几千年的发展历程中,经过不断改进技术,出现了宣纸、笺

游客2024-04-18  17

问题     在纸发明之前,人们使用的书写材料是竹简(bamboo slip)和绢帛(silk)。自诞生之后,纸在几千年的发展历程中,经过不断改进技术,出现了宣纸、笺纸等一批又一批纸产品。纸虽然是文房四宝中出现最晚的,但是它为中国传统书画艺术带来的翻天覆地的变化,是其余三宝无法企及的。纸早期的制作以(hemp)为主要原料,蔡伦改进之后以树皮等为原料,经过细致的加工,生产出来的纸颜色较白,质地坚韧,为以后的雕版印刷(block printing)用纸创造了条件。


答案     People wrote on bamboo slips or silk before paper was invented. After its birth, during several thousand years of development, with its making technology improved time and again, new varieties such as Xuan Paper and Letter Paper appeared. Though being the latest to appear among the four treasures of the study, paper made a dramatic change in traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy unmatched by any other. Paper was made from hemp in early days, and after Cai Lun’s improvement, the range of materials became wider and included tree bark. After being processed carefully by an improved technology the paper was whiter and stronger than before, which paved the way for the later block printing technology.
