中国篆刻(seal art),是中国一门独一无二、与中国书法、中国绘画密不可分的高雅传统艺术,迄今已有三千多年的历史。早在殷商时代,人们就用刀在龟甲上刻

游客2024-04-21  27

问题     中国篆刻(seal art),是中国一门独一无二、与中国书法、中国绘画密不可分的高雅传统艺术,迄今已有三千多年的历史。早在殷商时代,人们就用刀在龟甲上刻“字”,这便是篆刻的最早渊源。中国篆刻艺术是书法、绘画、刀法三者完美的结合,一方印中,既有豪壮飘逸的书法笔意,又有优美悦目的绘画构图,并且兼得刀法生动的雕刻神韵,真可谓“方寸之间,气象万千”(a minimized world of spectaculars),堪称中华民族文化遗产的精粹。


答案     Chinese seal art is a unique traditional Chinese highbrow art that is inseparable from Chinese calligraphy and painting. So far, the seal art has a history of over three thousand years. Early in the Shang Dynasty, our ancestors carved "characters" on turtle shells, which is believed to be the earliest origin of the art. Chinese seal art is a perfect combination of its calligraphy, painting and seal carving. In a squared tiny space of a seal, one can see not only the elegance of calligraphy, the pleasing composition of words or images as a painting, but also the charm of seal script carving skills. Therefore, Chinese seal art is no doubt the essence of Chinese cultural heritage, and of course, a seal out of such an art is "a minimized world of spectaculars".
