北京旧城是人类建筑史上的杰作,虽然历史上这座奇妙的城池受过各种各样的破坏,但今天以紫禁城(the Forbidden City)为中心的旧城仍然基本保留

游客2024-04-18  23

问题     北京旧城是人类建筑史上的杰作,虽然历史上这座奇妙的城池受过各种各样的破坏,但今天以紫禁城(the Forbidden City)为中心的旧城仍然基本保留着原貌。从公元11世纪的辽代开始,各代就在这里建都,元、明、清三代都以北京为都城。近千年以来,北京几乎都是中国的行政中心,这个近千年以来中国人的国都,是最高权力机关所在的地方,所以能倾全国之力,进行大规模的建设,留下了如此壮丽的城市景观。


答案     The old city of Beijing is the masterpiece in the architectural history. Although this marvelous city was damaged in various ways in the past, the old city around the Forbidden City still remains its original appearance. Since the Liao dynasty in the 11th century, the capital was established in Beijing, and kept there in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. For about one thousand years, Beijing has nearly always been the administration center of China. The capital of Chinese people nearly for a millennium is the location of supreme power so that large-scale construction could be carried out with the power of the whole country, leaving such a magnificent urban landscape.
