
游客2024-04-20  23

问题 汉朝包括西汉和东汉两个朝代。公元前202年,汉高祖刘邦建立汉朝,定都长安(今西安),历史上称之为西汉。西汉末年,王莽夺取政权建立新朝。公元25年,西汉贵族刘秀恢复汉朝,定都于今天的洛阳,历史上称之为东汉。东汉末年,政权被农民大起义瓦解,最后结束于220年。两汉时期长达400多年,这个时期社会发展有很多成就,有些成就具有深远的历史影响。今天的汉族、汉字、汉语、汉文化等名称都与汉朝有关。


答案 ①The Han Dynasty includes two periods: the Western Han and the Eastern Han. ②In 202 BC, Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty, choosing Chang’an (today’s Xi’an) as his capital, which was known to historians as the Western Han Dynasty. ③In late Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang staged a coup, and set up the Xin Dynasty.④The Han Dynasty was restored in 25 AD by Liu Xiu, who moved the capital to the city known today as Luoyan. This period became known to historians as the Eastern Han Dynasty. ⑤In late Eastern Han Dynasty, the regime was overthrown by a peasant uprising in 220 BC. ⑥In its over 400 years of existence, the Han Dynasty had a lot of achievements, some of which had a profound influence upon the subsequent dynasties. ⑦The Chinese names of the Han ethnic group, Chinese characters, the Chinese language and Chinese culture today are all in relation with the Han Dynasty.

解析 1.①句用一般现在时,其中“包括”译作“includes”,可用冒号引出“西汉和东汉”。此处注意朝代的译法,“X朝”译作“X Dynasty”其中“X”直接用汉语拼音即可,首字母要大写。
2.②句用一般过去时,其中“公元前x年”译作“X BC”、“建立”某个朝代用动词“establish”,“定都”译作“choose…as capital”,“历史上称之为西汉”译作定语从句“which was known to historians as the Western Han Dynasty”修饰“the Han Dynasty”。
3.③句用一般过去时,其中“末年”用“late”来表达,“夺取政权”和“建立新朝”译作并列谓语“staged a coup”和“set up the Xin Dynasty”,用and连接,注意“新朝”是朝代名,不是“新的朝代”。此处提醒考生平时要对历史常识有一定了解,不要犯低级错误。
4.④句拆分成两句翻译,要用一般过去时。第一句译作被动句,其中“恢复”译作“restored”,“公元x年”译作“XAD”,“定都于今天的洛阳”译作“moved the capital to the city known today as Luoyan”。第二句要增译出主语“This period”,“历史上称之为……”的译法参见②句。
5.⑤句用一般过去时,译作被动句,“政权被农民大起义瓦解,最后结束于220年”译作“the regime was overthrown by a peasant uprising in 220 BC.”,即“最后结束”可以省略不译。其中“末年”和“公元前”的译法上文已经讲过。不赘述。
6.⑥句用一般过去时,其中“长达400多年”译作状语“in its over 400 years of existence”,“有很多成就”可译作“had a lot of achievements”或“had achieved a lot”,“有些成就具有深远的历史影响”译作定语从句“some of which had a profound influence upon the subsequent dynasties”。
7.⑦句用一般现在时,其中“汉族、汉字、汉语、汉文化等名称”译作“the names of…”,“与……有关”用“in relation with…”。