[originaltext]W: How did you pull off an extension on your project? Nobody else

游客2024-02-15  4

W: How did you pull off an extension on your project? Nobody else ever got one.
M: Now you know why I’m so nice to Professor Brown.
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、He works hard.
B、He likes the professor.
C、He uses his good relationship to get favors.
D、He is pleased with the professor’s teaching.

答案 C

解析 女士好奇男士是怎样让教授给他一个人时间宽限的,男士并未正面回答,而是说“你现在知道我为什么对Brown教授那么好了吧”,言外之意他是靠与教授的良好关系使教授答应给他宽限的。