[originaltext]M: Next time you invite me to dinner, shall I bring a bottle of w

游客2024-02-18  6

M: Next time you invite me to dinner, shall I bring a bottle of wine?
W: That’s all right with me, but you know it is not the custom to bring alcohol to people’s homes in this country.
Q: What does the woman think about the man’s offer?
M: What do you think of this suit for tonight?
W: Well, the invitation said informal dress.
Q: What does the woman think of the man’s suit?

选项 A、It is appropriate.
B、It is too informal.
C、It is normal.
D、It is too formal.

答案 D

解析 根据选项,推测对话的内容与某人对某事的态度相关,对话中“Well,the invitation said informal dress.”表明听话人认为不应该穿那么正式的服装出席,因此答案是D