
游客2024-02-04  34

问题     扇子在中国文化中有着特别的含义。名贵的扇子多用檀香木(sandalwood)作扇骨(structure),绢或纸作扇面。扇子曾是中国女人的至爱。20世纪三四十年代拍摄的老电影中,上海滩的女子几乎人手一扇,扇子或许是女人用来表现优雅的最好的道具。男人也用扇子,扇面的内容多为山水园林或名人题字等。借着这样的扇子,男人表现的是身价和气质(temperament)。


答案     Fans have special meanings in Chinese culture. The structure of the valuable fans is made of sandalwood, and the faces are made of silk, or paper. Fans used to be a favorite item for women in China. In the movies of the 1930s and 1940s, fans are a very visible article for Shanghai women on the Bund. Fans are probably the most appropriate expressions of female elegance. Men also use fans, the faces of which are always painted with landscapes, gardens or inscriptions of the celebrities, to express their social status and temperament.

解析 1.第一句中,“有着特别的含义”可以用have special meanings,也可以用contain specialconnotations来表示。
2.第二句中的“扇面”可以翻译为face of fans。
3.第三句中,“曾是”可以用used to be来表示。“某人的至爱”可以用a favorite item for sb.或thetreasure of sb.来表示。
4.第四句中,“上海滩的女子”可以翻译为Shanghai women on the Bund。the Bund可以指上海滩,或者特指上海的外滩。
5.第五句中,“山水园林或名人题字”可以译为landscapes,gardens or inscriptions of thecelebrities。
6.最后一句中的“身价”指的是社会地位,可以翻译为social status或者status。