
游客2024-02-04  29

问题     北京是一个有着悠久历史的城市。在中国的漫长历史中,它是许多朝代的都城。1949年,中华人民共和国成立后,它成为了新中国的首都。北京是一个迷人的(fascinating)都城,它很容易地把传统和现代结合在了一起。第一次来参观的游客会立即被它新与旧的对比所震撼,同时,它还免不了给人一种正在加速发展变化的感觉。不论你想寻找什么,在北京都可以找到。


答案     Beijing is an ancient city with a long history. It has been the capital of China in many dynasties in the country’s long history and most recently since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. This fascinating capital city seems to effortlessly blend tradition with modernism. First-time visitors will immediately be struck by the contrasts between the old and the new and the inescapable sense that change is happening at an accelerated pace. No matter what you’re looking for, Beijing has it.

解析 1.第一句较简单,大部分考生都知道“悠久的历史”可以译为a long history,因此将第一句译为Beijing has a long history.但这个句式过于简单,我们稍加润色,修改为Beijing is an ancientcity with a long history.这种表达方式更符合英文表达习惯。
2.第二句和第三句可使用合译法翻译为一句话,主干部分为It has been the capital of China。“中华人民共和国”为专有名词,译为the People’s Republic of China。
3.第四句既可以翻译成和参考译文一样,也可以翻译为带有which引导的定语从句的复合句,即Beijing is a fascinating city which can effortlessly/easily blend tradi tion with modernism.
4.第五句中,“第一次来参观的游客”可以直接译为First-time visitors,更加简洁;“被……所震撼”可以译为be struck by…。在本句后半句中,我们将“正在加速发展变化的”处理为定语从句change is happening at an accelerated pace来修饰“感觉”,使句子更有层次感。
5.最后一句中,参考译文没有直接按照字面意思翻译“在北京都可以找到”,而是翻译为Beijinghas it,更加地道。