
游客2024-01-31  30

问题     在世界的舞台上,中国已经成为了一个不容忽视的经济强国。自中国政府1978年启动改革开放政策以来,中国的经济一直快速发展。过去十年,中国排名提升了四位,成为紧随美国之后世界第二大经济体。现在中国的GDP是全球经济的十分之一。中国政府将采取更有效的措施来促进中国经济的发展。中国已成为最具有发展潜力的经济大国之一。


答案     On the world stage, China has become an economic power that cannot be ignored. Since the Chinese government launched the Reform and Opening-up policy in 1978, Chinese economy has been developing rapidly. In the last decade, China has moved up four places and become the world’s second largest economy behind the United States. China’s GDP now accounts for a tenth of the global economy. The Chinese government will adopt more effective measures to boost Chinese economy. China has become one of the most promising economic giants.

解析 1. 第1句中的定语“不容忽视的”处理成后置定语,用定语从句that cannot be ignored来表达。
2.翻译第3句“中国排名提升了……,成为……”时,可译为并列结构:China has moved up…and become…。状语“紧随美国之后”译为behind the United States,按照英文表达习惯,置于句末。
3.倒数第2句中的“来促进中国经济的发展”表目的,故将其处理成目的状语,用不定式短语to boostChinese economy来表达。
4.最后一句的定语“最具有发展潜力的”,不要一看到“潜力”就马上对译成potential,其实这里可以理解为“最有前途的,前景最好的”,可用the most promising来表达。