In the 1980s, neuroscientists studying the brain processes underlying our se

游客2024-01-10  12

问题     In the 1980s, neuroscientists studying the brain processes underlying our sense of conscious will compared subjects’ judgments regarding their subjective will to move (W) and actual movement (M) with objective electroencephalographic activity called readiness potential, or RP. As expected, W preceded M: subjects consciously perceived the intention to move as preceding a conscious experience of actually moving. This might seem to suggest an appropriate correspondence between the sequence of subjective experiences and the sequence of the underlying events in the brain. But researchers actually found a surprising temporal relation between subjective experience and objectively measured neural events: in direct contradiction of the classical conception of free will, neural preparation to move (RP) preceded conscious awareness of the intention to move (W) by hundreds of milliseconds. [br] The author of the passage mentions the classical conception of free will primarily in order to

选项 A、argue that earlier theories regarding certain brain processes were based on false assumptions
B、suggest a possible flaw in the reasoning of neuroscientists conducting the study discussed in the passage
C、provide a possible explanation for the unexpected results obtained by neuroscientists
D、cast doubt on neuroscientists’ conclusions regarding the temporal sequence of brain processes
E、indicate the reason that the results of the neuroscientists’ study were surprising

答案 E

解析 本题考查老观点的功能。老观点的出现往往是用来衬托新观点的,所以选项E正确。A、B、D:通常老观点是被新观点反驳的,本文的新观点指的就是神经科学家的结论,而选项A、B、D都说明老观点质疑新观点,这是不合理的。C项既然老观点会被新观点反驳,老观点也就不能解释新观点,故排除选项C。