Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyperaccumu-
Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyperaccumu-
Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyperaccumu-lators, can concentrate minerals at levels a hundredfold or greater than normal.
A survey of known hyperaccumulators identified that 75 percent of them amassed nickel; cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, lead, and cadmium are other minerals of choice.
Hyperaccumulators run the entire range of the plant world.
They may be herbs, shrubs, or trees.
Many members of the mustard family, spurge family, legume family, and grass family are top hyperaccumulators. Many are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where accumulation of high concentrations of metals may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.
Look at the four squares[
]that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.
Certain minerals are more likely to be accumulated in large quantities than others.
Where would the sentence best fit? [br]
A、Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyperaccumulators, can concentrate minerals at levels a hundredfold or greater than normal. Certain minerals are more likely to be accumulated in large quantities than others. A survey of known hyperaccumulators identified that 75 percent of them amassed nickel; cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, lead, and cadmium are other minerals of choice.
Hyperaccumulators run the entire range of the plant world.
They may be herbs, shrubs, or trees.
Many members of the mustard family, spurge family, legume family, and grass family are top hyperaccumulators. Many are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where accumulation of high concentrations of metals may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.
B、Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyperaccumulators, can concentrate minerals at levels a hundredfold or greater than normal.
A survey of known hyperaccumulators identified that 75 percent of them amassed nickel; cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, lead, and cadmium are other minerals of choice. Certain minerals are more likely to be accumulated in large quantities than others. Hyperaccumulators run the entire range of the plant world.
They may be herbs, shrubs, or trees.
Many members of the mustard family, spurge family, legume family, and grass family are top hyperaccumulators. Many are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where accumulation of high concentrations of metals may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.
C、Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyperaccumulators, can concentrate minerals at levels a hundredfold or greater than normal.
A survey of known hyperaccumulators identified that 75 percent of them amassed nickel; cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, lead, and cadmium are other minerals of choice.
Hyperaccumulators run the entire range of the plant world. Certain minerals are more likely to be accumulated in large quantities than others. They may be herbs, shrubs, or trees.
Many members of the mustard family, spurge family, legume family, and grass family are top hyperaccumulators. Many are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where accumulation of high concentrations of metals may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.
D、Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyperaccumulators, can concentrate minerals at levels a hundredfold or greater than normal.
A survey of known hyperaccumulators identified that 75 percent of them amassed nickel; cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, lead, and cadmium are other minerals of choice.
Hyperaccumulators run the entire range of the plant world.
They may be herbs, shrubs, or trees. Certain minerals are more likely to be accumulated in large quantities than others. Many members of the mustard family, spurge family, legume family, and grass family are top hyperaccumulators. Many are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where accumulation of high concentrations of metals may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.
急性肾炎循环充血的主要原因是A.血压升高 B.肺动脉高压 C.血浆肾素活性增
背信运用受托财产罪中的犯罪主体包括()。A.个人 B.商业银行 C.证券交
党参的来源有A.党参 B.素花党参 C.川党参 D.黄花党参 E.红花党
(2019年真题)下列药物中,适宜在餐前服用的是A.头孢辛酯片 B.莫沙必利片
香豆素类用药过量引起的自发性出血。可用何药对抗?( )A.维生素K B.硫酸