
游客2023-12-30  31

问题     女士们、先生们,欢迎大家出席今年首场外交部例行记者会。在新的一年里,我们将继续通过这个平台,向大家更好地介绍中国外交。我们也希望媒体的朋友们能够向世界报道好中国,解读好中国。祝愿大家在新的一年里工作顺利,万事如意。
    首先,我向各位通报,应埃塞俄比亚外长、吉布提外交和国际合作部长、加纳外交与地区一体化部长、塞内加尔外交和海外侨民部长邀请,中国外交部长王毅将于1月6日至11日访问上述四国。 [br]  


答案     Efforts to achieve reconciliation within Palestine have achieved positive progress.  China welcomes and congratulates them on that. We believe it will enhance unity within Palestine, which ultimately will facilitate the establishment of an independent State of Palestine and peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel.  China always believes that peace between Palestine and Israel can only be achieved through peace talks.  Now, the peace talks have reached a crucial juncture. We hope that Palestine and Israel can aim for peace, discard prejudices, and overcome obstacles. They need to walk towards the same direction, keep the talks going and strive for an early result. The international community should give its unequivocal encouragement and continuous support to these efforts.
