
游客2023-12-28  23

问题     ①早在两千多年前,亚欧大陆的两端就开启了对话,丝绸之路也由此肇始。②中国秦汉时期,古丝绸之路已形成并逐步发展,到隋唐时期,进入最繁荣的阶段。③唐宋时期,凭借先进的航海技术,我们的祖先成功开辟了通往西方的海上丝绸之路。


答案     ①Over 2,000 years ago, there were already interactions between the two ends of the Eurasian continent, and that was when the ancient Silk Road began. ②The road had taken shape by the time of the Qin and Han dynasties of China, and was most prosperous during the Sui and Tang dynasties. ③During the Tang and Song dynasties, with the advanced navigation techniques, our ancestors successfully opened up the Silk Road on the Sea that extended all the way to the West.
    ④Through bustling trade, the countries along that route brought their civilizations closer and lived in peace and prosperity. ⑤This period of history gives us something we should carry forward, i.e. the open and inclusive spirit of the Silk Road for peace, mutual learning and win-win cooperation.
    ⑥The Belt and Road Initiative answers the call of our times for joint response to risks and joint efforts to strengthen global economic recovery. ⑦Development is a major issue facing the world.⑧ The shadow of the international financial crisis is not far behind, and the world economic recovery lacks momentum. ⑨To avert risks and boost recovery, countries must cooperate in good faith to build up synergy. ⑩The Belt and Road Initiative will boost mutual investment and trade between China and countries along the routes, facilitate connectivity between those countries and support their pursuit of a new-type of industrialization. The initiative will also promote common development and bring real benefits to the peoples along the routes, thus giving positive energy and new impetus to world economic recovery.

解析     1.①句原文使用了拟人化手法,遣词富有文化气韵,整句文学气息颇为浓厚。翻译时,除了参考译文的版本,还可考虑使用象征、比喻等修辞手法,如使用含有拟人意味的in infancy(处于婴儿期,处于初期)表达“开启对话”,并将“……由此肇始”转译为带有象征性的the cradle of…(……的摇篮),即将整句译为Over 2,000 years ago,interactions between the two ends of the Eurasian continent had already been in its infancy,which at length became the cradle of the ancient Silk Road.
    2.②句“已形成并逐步发展”除了参考译文的译法,还可台译为work up,因为这一短语本身便含有“逐步建立、逐步发展”之意,以少译多,可使译文更加言简意赅。
    3.③句“凭借……(某种优势)”除了译为with引导的伴随状语结构,也可用be blessed with来表达:而“开辟道路”除了译为open up,还可用固定搭配blaze a trail来表达,改动后这句话可译为our ancestors,blessed with advanced navigation techniques,blazed a trail leading aIl the way to the West…that is the Silk Road on the Sea.
    4.⑤句后两个分句的句子主干是“精神值得继承和弘扬”,而“精神”一词前的“以”字定语较长。若用“精神”作为主句主语,则会使得译文主语部分过分冗长。因此翻译时可灵活转换结构,将第三个短分句同第一个分句合译,处理为gives us something we should carry forward. 随后用i. e,或that is引出something所指的具体精神。
    5.⑧句“国际金融危机的阴云远未消散”表达颇为形象,此处可将“……的阴云”译作the shadow of sth…也可活用cloud的动词形式,即将第一个分句译为the world is still clouded with the threat of financial crisis,如此一来,后一分句也可承接上句主语the world,将“世界经济复苏乏力”表达为the world is still afflicted with a sluggish/weak economic recovery。将两个分句的重复部分合并后,最终译文可为:The world is still clouded with the threat of financial crisis and afflicted with a sluggish/weak economic recovery.